

单词 airport



A0163400 (âr′pôrt′)n. A place where aircraft take off and land, usually equipped with hard-surfaced landing strips, a control tower, hangars, aircraft maintenance and refueling facilities, and accommodations for passengers and cargo.


(ˈɛəˌpɔːt) n (Aeronautics) a landing and taking-off area for civil aircraft, usually with surfaced runways and aircraft maintenance and passenger facilities


(ˈɛərˌpɔrt, -ˌpoʊrt)

n. a facility for the landing, takeoff, shelter, supply, and repair of aircraft, esp. one used for transporting passengers and cargo at regularly scheduled times. [1915–20]


See: airfield.
Noun1.airport - an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargoairport - an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargoaerodrome, airdrome, dromeairdock, hangar, repair shed - a large structure at an airport where aircraft can be stored and maintainedairfield, flying field, landing field, field - a place where planes take off and landair terminal, airport terminal - a terminal that serves air travelers or air freightcontrol tower - a tower with an elevated workspace enclosed in glass for the visual observation of aircraft around an airportheliport - an airport for helicopters


noun airfield, aerodrome, airdrome (U.S.) the busiest international airport in the world


() noun1. the mixture of gases we breathe; the atmosphere. Mountain air is pure. 空氣 空氣2. the space above the ground; the sky. Birds fly through the air. 天空 天空3. appearance. The house had an air of neglect. 外觀 外觀4. a tune. She played a simple air on the piano. 曲調 曲調 verb1. to expose to the air in order to dry or make more fresh etc. to air linen. 晾乾 晾晒2. to make known. He loved to air his opinions. 公開 使公開ˈairbag noun a safety bag in a car that protects the driver or a passenger in an accident. 安全氣囊 安全气袋ˈairily adverb in a light-hearted manner. She airily dismissed all objections. 漫不經意地 活潑地,轻率地 ˈairiness noun 通風 通風ˈairing noun a short walk etc in the open air. She took the baby for an airing. 散步透氣 戶外散步,兜风 ˈairless adjective1. (of weather) still and windless. It was a hot, airless night. 無風的 無風的2. (of a room etc) stuffy and without fresh air. 不通風的 不通風的ˈairy adjective1. with plenty of (fresh) air. an airy room. 通風的 通风的,空气新鲜的 2. light-hearted and not serious. an airy disregard for authority. 輕率的 輕率的ˈairborne adjective in the air or flying. We were airborne five minutes after boarding the plane; airborne germs. 在空中的,空中傳播的 在空中的,空运的,空气传播的 ˌair-conˈditioned adjective having air-conditioning. an air-conditioned building. 有空調的 有空調的ˌair-conˈditioner noun an apparatus providing air-conditioning. 空調裝置 空調器ˌair-conˈditioning noun a method of providing a room, building etc with air of a controlled temperature and humidity. 空調 空調ˈaircraftplural ˈaircraft noun any of several types of machine for flying in the air. Enemy aircraft have been sighted. 航空器,飛機 航空器,飞机 aircraft carrier a ship which carries aircraft and which aircraft can use for landing and taking off. 航空母艦 航空母艦ˈairfield noun an area of ground (with buildings etc) where (usually military) aircraft are kept and from which they fly. 飛機場 飛機場air force the part of the armed services which uses aircraft. the army, navy and air force. 空軍 空軍ˈair-gun noun a gun that is worked by air under pressure. 空氣槍 氣槍air hostess a young woman who looks after passengers in an aircraft. 女性空服員 空中小姐air letter a letter sent by airmail. 航空信 航空信ˈairlift noun an operation to move cargo or people, carried out by air. 空運 空運ˈairline noun (a company that owns) a regular air transport service. Which airline are you travelling by? 航空公司 航空公司,航線 ˈairliner noun a (usually large) aircraft for carrying passengers. 客機 客機ˈair-lock noun a bubble in a pipe which prevents liquid from flowing along it. 氣塞 氣塞ˈairmail noun a system of carrying mail by air. Send this parcel by airmail; (also adjective) an airmail letter. 航空郵遞 航空郵件ˈairman noun a member of an air force. 空軍士兵 空军士兵,飞行员 ˈair pollution nounAir pollution is caused by smoke, toxic gases etc. 空氣污染 空氣污染ˈairplane noun (American) an aeroplane. 飛機 飛機ˈairport noun a place where passenger aircraft arrive and depart, with buildings for customs, waiting-rooms etc. 機場 機場ˈair-pump noun a pump for forcing air in or out of something. 打氣筒,空氣泵浦(幫浦) 氣泵ˈair-raid noun an attack by aircraft. 空襲 空襲ˈairship noun an aircraft that is lighter than air and can be steered etc. 飛船 飛艇ˈairtight adjective (of a container etc) into or through which air cannot pass. an airtight seal on a bottle. 氣密的 密封的,不透气的 ˈairway noun a regular course followed by aircraft. 航道 航路on the air broadcasting (regularly) on radio or television. 播送中 在播送中put on airs / give oneself airs to behave as if one is better or more important than others. She gives herself such airs that everyone dislikes her. 擺架子 擺架子


  • How do I get to the airport? → 去机场怎么走?
  • Is there a bus to the airport? → 有去机场的公共汽车吗?
  • How much is the taxi to the airport? → 乘出租车到机场要多少钱?





place for landing and departure of aircraft, usually with facilities for housing and maintaining planes and for receiving and discharging passengers and cargo. There are about 16,000 airports in the United States, ranging from the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, the world's busiest, which handles more than 94 million passengers on more than 900,000 flights a year, to remote airstrips that may handle only one plane a day. The essential requirements in airport construction are that the field be as level as possible; that the ground be firm and easily drained; that approaches to runways be free of trees, hills, buildings, and other obstructions; and that the site be as free as possible of smoke and weather that produces low-visibility conditions. The Federal Aviation Administration recommends that runways of large airports measure from 2,500 to 12,000 ft (762–3,658 m) in length and 200 to 500 ft (62–150 m) in width; Hartsfield-Jackson airport has four such runways. Narrower paved strips called taxiways that connect the runways to other parts of the airport are entered by aircraft as soon as possible after landing, thus freeing the runways for use by other traffic. A taxiway and a runway are usually connected at each end and at several intermediate points. Besides the hangars (buildings for housing and servicing aircraft), airports are usually provided with office and terminal buildings which house administrative, traffic control, communication, and weather observation personnel. The rapid development of aircraft, especially the jumbo jet and the newer superjumbo jet, has created problems for all major airports. Greater speed and weight of aircraft have made longer and more durable runways necessary. Greater numbers of passengers have necessitated more efficient methods of moving people and luggage from curb to plane. Despite efforts at curbing jet noise, many communities have rejected plans to build airports within their boundaries; the violent protests over the building of Japan's Narita Airport are the best-known example. Locating airports away from densely populated areas can alleviate noise problems, but this solution makes it difficult for passengers and others to reach the airport.


See R. Allen, Major Airports of the World (1979), R. Horonjeff, Planning and Design of Airports (1983), and A. T. Wells, Airport Planning and Management (1986).



a transportation enterprise that provides regular air transportation for passengers, freight, and mail. In the USSR the civil aviation airports are divided into international, all-Union, and local airports.

As the length of air routes increases and as new types of aircraft are put into operation, the requirements for the equipment of airports increase. The modern airport is an elaborate complex of engineering structures and technical devices requiring a large territory, which, in some cases, measures thousands of hectares (for instance, Domodedovo Airport in Moscow or Kennedy Airport in New York). In choosing the locations of airports, factors to be considered are the ease and speed of communication with the city, the possibility of alienating large tracts of land near the city, the expected long-range development of the airport, the suitability of the terrain, soil and hydrogeological conditions, tall obstacles near the airport or on the air approaches, and so on. The main component part of the airport is the airfield, which includes the flight field; the latter includes runways, taxiways, airplane parking areas, and shoulder and overrun strips. The number of landing strips and their location within the airport depends on the traffic capacity of the airport and on the terrain. Within the landing strip there is a working area containing paved runways.

The runways are connected with the terminal aprons and the airplane parking areas by taxiways. To ensure regular flights and the safe landing of planes, the airfield is equipped with an instrument radio technical system for directing landings and a high-intensity light-signal system. A service and technical zone adjoins the airfield. This zone includes the passenger complex (a terminal, aprons, an airport parking area, a hotel, and so on); the freight complex (a freight terminal with a cargo ramp and a yard); and buildings and facilities for radio navigation service, airplane fueling, the technical servicing of planes, and auxiliary and production services. Large airports have several terminals (Vnukovo and Sheremet’evo airports in Moscow, Kennedy International Airport in New York, and others). An airport has an air-traffic control building (control tower), which includes dispatching flight-navigational, meteorological, and other services. The technical servicing of the planes (before and after flight) is done at the parking areas. Regularly scheduled maintenance is performed in the hangars of the technical aircraft bases. Planes are fueled by automotive fuel trucks or through a stationary single-point fueling system. An airport has mechanization and transportation bases; technical and other warehouses; and a variety of service buildings, engineering networks, and facilities for water supply, sewerage, heat, gas, and electric power. Residential, cultural, and service buildings are provided for airport personnel and their families; these buildings form a separate settlement located usually 3–5 km from the airport.

The growing complexity of the planning of airports and their increasing size, passengers’ use of various means of getting to airports, and the growth of modern cities have made the construction of airports part of general city-planning problems. In view of the special technical requirements and the need to protect cities from noise, airports are, as a rule, located at a considerable distance from the outer residential limits (as much as several dozens of kilometers). The servicing of the airport is included in the general plan for urban and suburban traffic. The necessary tracts are set aside in suburban areas with a view to the long-range development of the airport. The architectural and planning schemes of airports provide for the most rational combination of flight, service, and residential zones. The central element in its composition is the air terminal and other service zones directly connected with the servicing of passengers. The design, construction, and reconstruction of airports are governed by special technical conditions. The work of the airports of international lines is regulated by the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).


What does it mean when you dream about an airport?

Some new idea or venture may be ready to take off. If planes can’t get off the ground, the venture may be grounded for awhile. An airport can also represent a transition in one’s life.


[′er‚pȯrt] (civil engineering) A terminal facility used for aircraft takeoff and landing and including facilities for handling passengers and cargo and for servicing aircraft. Also known as aerodrome.


airfieldAny area on which aircraft may land, take off, park, and be serviced. It includes buildings and installations to support flying and maintenance operations. Also known as an airport, airstrip, or aerodrome. On aeronautical charts, airfields are depicted as in the illustration.

field elevation

The highest point of an airport's usable runways measured in feet or meters from mean sea level. The elevation of the highest point of the landing area is called an aerodrome, or airport, elevation and is depicted on approach charts. See aerodrome elevation.


a landing and taking-off area for civil aircraft, usually with surfaced runways and aircraft maintenance and passenger facilities


A family of wireless routers from Apple, introduced in 1999. In the past, Apple branded the Wi-Fi capability in its Mac laptops as AirPort. See wireless router.

AirPort Extreme
The larger AirPort Extreme is a traditional wireless router with three wired Ethernet ports for computers. Its single USB port can be used to connect a printer or external hard drive.

AirPort Express
Introduced in 2004, the smaller AirPort Express has only one wired Ethernet port. The AirPort's AirPlay feature streams music wireless from iTunes in a computer or from any iOS device to powered speakers or a stereo amplifier connected to the unit. In conjunction with the primary wireless router in the home, the Express can also be used as a Wi-Fi range extender and boost the signal over a longer distance. See AirPlay, Time Capsule, digital media hub and iTunes.

An Old AirPort Extreme
Looking like a space pod, earlier AirPorts did not resemble any other wireless routers. Connected to a DSL modem, in 2013, this AirPort was going strong after seven years of service.
MedicalSeeairLegalSeeAirFinancialSeeRunwaySee APRT
See A/P


  • noun

Synonyms for airport

noun airfield


  • airfield
  • aerodrome
  • airdrome

Synonyms for airport

noun an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo


  • aerodrome
  • airdrome
  • drome

Related Words

  • airdock
  • hangar
  • repair shed
  • airfield
  • flying field
  • landing field
  • field
  • air terminal
  • airport terminal
  • control tower
  • heliport




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