Roon, Albrecht Von

Roon, Albrecht Von


Born Apr. 30, 1803, in Pleushagen, near the city of Kolberg; died Feb. 23, 1879, in Berlin. Prussian military figure; field marshal (from 1873); count (from 1871).

Roon became a member of the General Staff in 1836. From 1844 to 1848 he was a tutor to the Prussian prince Frederick Charles. In 1849, as chief of staff of a corps, he helped suppress the revolutionary movement in Baden. From 1859 until 1873 he was minister of war of Prussia, and simultaneously from 1861 to 1871 he was minister of the navy. He carried out a series of military reforms to prepare for war against Austria and France. It was at the suggestion of Roon, who enjoyed the favor of William I, that O. von Bismarck was appointed minister president of Prussia in 1862. After Bismarck was appointed Reichschancellor of Germany in 1871, Roon became minister president of Prussia in 1873; but he soon retired.