pars petrosa ossis temporalis


 [pahrs] (pl. par´tes) (L.) mastoi´dea os´sis tempora´lis mastoid part of temporal bone; see under petro´sa os´sis tempora´lis petrous part of temporal bone; see under pla´na the thin part of the ciliary body; the ciliary squamo´sa os´sis tempora´lis squamous part of temporal bone; see under tympa´nica os´sis tempora´lis tympanic part of temporal bone.

tem·po·ral bone

[TA] a large irregular bone situated in the base and side of the cranium; it consists of three parts, squamous, tympanic, and petrous, which are distinct at birth; the petrous part contains the vestibulocochlear organ; the bone articulates with the sphenoid, parietal, occipital, and zygomatic bones, and by a synovial joint with the mandible. Synonym(s): os temporale [TA]

pet·rous part of tem·po·ral bone

[TA] the part of the temporal bone that contains the structures of the inner ear and the second part of the internal carotid artery; in prenatal life it appears as a separate ossification center. Synonym(s): pars petrosa ossis temporalis [TA], periotic bone, petrosal bone, petrous bone, petrous pyramid

pars petrosa ossis temporalis

The petrous portion of the temporal bone.See also: pars