part A
part A
Managed care A component of the Medicare reimbursement system, consisting of compulsory hospital insurance financed by contributions from employers, employees and participants; Part A pays costs of hospitalization, but not physician fees. See Medicare, Part B, TEFRA.Patient discussion about part A
Q. I have a constant pain in the inside part of my arm. What can it be? In the last few weeks I have noticed that I have a right arm pain. The strange thing is that the pain is in a specific point in the inside part of the arm, very near to the elbow. I thnk the pain started for the first time during a baseball game but I am not sure.I work in a factory and as I sad before I use my right arm for baseball, and this pain hinders me.What can it be?
I went to my GP about it because it drove me nuts, and he said that I need to take anti-inflammatory drugs, and if it will not work he will inject me something.
he prescribed me a great medication and I didn't need the injection.
Q. I walk a lot but why do I lose weight all over the body but not in any specific part of body?