arterial blood oximetry

arterial blood oximetry

A clinical test that quantifies carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) and methemoglobin, and calculates the content of O2 bound to haemoglobin (Hb). ABO is indicated in patients with anaemia or polycythaemia, for evaluating altered Hbs, O2 content of the blood, and to correlate the findings of arterial blood gas analysis.
Arterial blood; because the analyte, carbon monoxide, is unstable, the specimen must be sent to the lab on ice and analysed as soon as possible.
Ref value
COHb < 1.5%; heavy smokers ≥ 5%.

arterial blood oximetry

Critical care A clinical test that quantifies carboxyhemoglobin–COHb and methemoglobin, and calculates the content of O2 bound to Hb; ABO is indicated in Pts with anemia or polycythemia, for evaluating altered Hbs, O2 content of the blood, and to correlate the findings of arterial blood gas analysis Specimen Arterial blood; because the analyte, carbon monoxide, is unstable, the specimen must be sent to the lab ASAP on ice and analyzed STAT Ref value COHb < 1.5%; Heavy smokers ≥ 5%