Powhatan County

Powhatan County, Virginia

PO Box 37
Powhatan, VA 23139
Phone: (804) 598-5660
Fax: (804) 598-5608

In east-central VA, west of Richmond; organized May 5, 1777 from Cumberland and Chesterfield counties. Name Origin: For chief Powhatan (c.1550-1618), the leader of a confederacy of 32 tribes, whose Indian name was Wahunsonacock; father of Pocahontas (c.1595-1617). Name is believed to mean 'falls in a current of water' or 'at the falls.'

Area (sq mi):: 262.40 (land 261.28; water 1.12) Population per square mile: 101.80
Population 2005: 26,598 State rank: 61 Population change: 2000-20005 18.90%; 1990-2000 46.00% Population 2000: 22,377 (White 81.00%; Black or African American 16.90%; Hispanic or Latino 0.80%; Asian 0.20%; Other 1.30%). Foreign born: 1.50%. Median age: 36.80
Income 2000: per capita $24,104; median household $53,992; Population below poverty level: 5.70% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $27,169-$27,273
Unemployment (2004): 2.90% Unemployment change (from 2000): 0.80% Median travel time to work: 34.80 minutes Working outside county of residence: 76.80%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in Virginia.