trickle through

trickle through

1. Of a liquid, to flow through something in drops or a thin stream. I thought I had waterproofed the windows, but rain keeps trickling through them. Wine trickled through a tiny crack on the bottom of the jug.2. To move through something or some place very slowly or a few at a time. People trickled through the door throughout the evening, and we actually had a decent crowd by the end of the night. News has only trickled through so far.See also: through, trickle

trickle through

 (something) 1. Lit. [for a liquid] to seep through something. The water trickled through the cracked windowpane. They taped the glass, but the water trickled through anyway. 2. Fig. [for someone or something] to move through something little by little. The people trickled through the door into the store in far smaller numbers than we had expected. They trickled through very slowly.See also: through, trickle