Bence Jones reaction

Bence Jones re·ac·tion

(bents jōnz), the classic means of identifying Bence Jones protein, which precipitates when urine (from patients with this type of proteinuria) is gradually warmed to 45-70°C and redissolves when the urine is heated to near boiling; as the specimen cools, the Bence Jones protein precipitates in the indicated range of temperature and redissolves as the temperature of the specimen becomes less than 30-35°C. [Henry Bence Jones]

Bence Jones reaction

The classic method for identifying the 22–24-kD monoclonal Bence Jones protein (BJP), which is based on precipitation of BJP from urine at 45–70º C (it goes into solution at temperatures above or below this range). While the Bence Jones reaction confirms the presence of multiple myeloma, Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, CLL and amyloidosis, it is inelegant; serum-free light-chain assays have greater diagnostic utility than urine tests.

Bence Jones re·ac·tion

(bens jōnz rē-ak'shŭn) The classic means of identifying Bence Jones protein, which precipitates when urine containing it is gradually warmed to 45-70°C, and redissolves as the urine is heated to near boiling. [Henry Bence Jones]

Bence Jones,

Henry, English physician, 1814-1873. Bence Jones albuminBence Jones cylinders - slightly irregular, relatively smooth, rod-shaped or cylindroid bodies of fairly tenacious, viscid proteinaceous material in the fluid of the seminal vesicles.Bence Jones myeloma - multiple myeloma in which the malignant plasma cells excrete only light chains of one type (either kappa or lambda). Synonym(s): L-chain disease; L-chain myelomaBence Jones proteins - proteins with unusual thermosolubility found in the urine of patients with multiple myeloma, consisting of monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains.Bence Jones reaction - the classic means of identifying Bence Jones protein.Bence Jones test