Acronym | Definition |
PPC➣Pay Per Click |
PPC➣Picture Post Card |
PPC➣Pocket PC (Personal Digital Assistant based on Windows CE 3.0) |
PPC➣PowerPC (Macintosh processor) |
PPC➣Plastic Products Company (Lindstrom, MN) |
PPC➣Project Planning and Control |
PPC➣Production Planning and Control |
PPC➣Prepaid Phone Card |
PPC➣Prank Phone Call |
PPC➣Parish Pastoral Council |
PPC➣Production Possibilities Curve |
PPC➣Primary Peritoneal Cancer |
PPC➣Polyester Powder Coated |
PPC➣Precast Prestressed Concrete |
PPC➣Plain Paper Copier |
PPC➣Picture Production Company (UK) |
PPC➣Public Policy Center (University of Nebraska) |
PPC➣Pilgrim's Pride Corporation |
PPC➣Paramount Pictures Corporation |
PPC➣Pretoria Portland Cement (Company Limited, South Africa) |
PPC➣Paiement par Clic (French: payment per click) |
PPC➣Polyenylphosphatidylcholine |
PPC➣Paris Peace Conference (est. 1919) |
PPC➣Parliamentary Portfolio Committee (various locations) |
PPC➣Powered Parachute |
PPC➣Private Party Classifieds |
PPC➣Perspectives in Psychiatric Care (Wiley publication) |
PPC➣Partido Popular Cristiano (Peruvian political party) |
PPC➣Performance Pc |
PPC➣Point to Point Compression |
PPC➣Portable Program Carrier |
PPC➣Pixel per Centimeter |
PPC➣Personal Parallel Computer |
PPC➣Palmsize Pc |
PPC➣Pocket Pc |
PPC➣Personal Production Center |
PPC➣Parameter Pointer Control |
PPC➣Program to Program Communications |
PPC➣Portable Pc |
PPC➣Ping Pong Club (anime) |
PPC➣Policy and Planning Committee |
PPC➣Personal Protective Clothing |
PPC➣Pan Pacific Copper (Japan) |
PPC➣Portable Personal Computer |
PPC➣Professional Painting Contractor (various organizations) |
PPC➣Physician Practice Connections |
PPC➣Positive Psychology Center |
PPC➣Public Power Corporation |
PPC➣Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (British politics; UK) |
PPC➣Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations (UK) |
PPC➣Pearson Peacekeeping Centre (Canada) |
PPC➣Pasadena Presbyterian Church (California) |
PPC➣Preferred Place of Care (UK) |
PPC➣Pakistan Penal Code |
PPC➣Program Planning Committee (various organizations) |
PPC➣Pioneer Pacific College (Oregon) |
PPC➣Percept Picture Company (India) |
PPC➣Point-to-Point Communication (telecommunications) |
PPC➣Professional Photographers of California |
PPC➣Practitioners Publishing Company |
PPC➣Private Pilot Certificate (aviation license) |
PPC➣Professional Practice Course (law) |
PPC➣Program-to-Program Communication (computer terminology) |
PPC➣Paperboard Packaging Council |
PPC➣Point Park College |
PPC➣Pre-Paid Code |
PPC➣Professional Plan Consultant |
PPC➣Public Petitions Committee (UK) |
PPC➣Protection for Persons in Care (Canada) |
PPC➣Plant Pest Control (various organizations) |
PPC➣Puerto Princesa City (Palawan, Philippines) |
PPC➣Patient-Physician Communication (healthcare) |
PPC➣Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (Harrisburg, PA) |
PPC➣Planar Photonic Crystal |
PPC➣Public Power Council |
PPC➣Provincial People's Committee (Viet Nam) |
PPC➣Pre-Paid Charging (telephony) |
PPC➣Petroleum and Petrochemicals |
PPC➣Peer-to-Peer Communication |
PPC➣Pan Pacific Conference (various organizations) |
PPC➣Port of Pittsburgh Commission (Pennsylvania) |
PPC➣Program and Policy Council (various organizations) |
PPC➣Political Party Committee (various locations) |
PPC➣Personnel Policies Committee (various locations) |
PPC➣Public Participation Committee (various organizations) |
PPC➣Pinnacle Presbyterian Church (Arizona) |
PPC➣Pikes Peak Center (Colorado Springs, CO) |
PPC➣Private Practice Committee (various organizations) |
PPC➣Progress Payment Certificate |
PPC➣Peer-to-Peer Computing |
PPC➣Phoenixtec Power, Co. (Taiwan) |
PPC➣Police Pistol Combat |
PPC➣Pacific Publishing Company (Seattle, WA) |
PPC➣Pool Players Club (gaming) |
PPC➣Patrol Plane Commander |
PPC➣Pollution Prevention Center |
PPC➣Public Protection Class |
PPC➣Persistent Photoconductivity |
PPC➣Project Planning Chart |
PPC➣Prevention Planning Committee (public health; California) |
PPC➣Public Participation Campaign (Aarhus Convention) |
PPC➣Pickering Pentecostal Church (Ontario, Canada) |
PPC➣Pan-Pacific Championship |
PPC➣Personal Productivity Center |
PPC➣Pre-Pharmacy Club (various schools) |
PPC➣Parallel Port Camera |
PPC➣Program Policy Committee (various schools) |
PPC➣Partners for Parasite Control (World Health Organization) |
PPC➣Purchase Power Cost (electricity) |
PPC➣People Power Coalition (political group in the Philippines) |
PPC➣Points per Category (sports) |
PPC➣Precision Photonics Corporation (Boulder, CO) |
PPC➣Powered Positioning Caliper (energy exploration tool) |
PPC➣Progressive Populist Caucus (politics) |
PPC➣Protectors of the Plot Continuum |
PPC➣Pilot Proficiency Check |
PPC➣Peterson Pacific Corp. |
PPC➣Past Presidents Council |
PPC➣Pour Prendre Conge' (French: To Take Leave) |
PPC➣Payment Protection Cover |
PPC➣Pocono Produce Company (Stroudsburg, PA) |
PPC➣Peninsula Primary Care (healthcare; California) |
PPC➣Penang Port Commission |
PPC➣Particle Projector Cannon (MechWarrior) |
PPC➣Pixels per Centimeter (digital photography) |
PPC➣Proof-Of-Passing Certificate (FCC) |
PPC➣Prevention and Preparedness Council |
PPC➣Party Planning Committee (TV show The Office) |
PPC➣Pokémon Puzzle Challenge (Nintendo GameBoy Colour game) |
PPC➣Performance Planning Card |
PPC➣Pitt Program Council (University of Pittsburgh) |
PPC➣Philadelphia Print Collaborative (Philadelphia, PA) |
PPC➣Pure Power Center (power extension strip) |
PPC➣Prospectus Prepayment Curve |
PPC➣Primary Point Code |
PPC➣Power Protection Cabinet |
PPC➣Public Presentation Competition (Young Engineers Australia) |
PPC➣Public/Private Competition |
PPC➣Pakistan Press Club (est. 1996) |
PPC➣Power Plant Change |
PPC➣Primary Plasma Condenser |
PPC➣Paige Poulos Communications (Richmond, California) |
PPC➣Parent Policy Council |
PPC➣Partnership for Patient Care (Philadelphia, PA) |
PPC➣Procurement Placement Code |
PPC➣Phased Provisioning Code |
PPC➣Privacy Protection Center (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; US DHHS) |
PPC➣Pinoy PC |
PPC➣PTO Presidents Council |
PPC➣Preliminary Path Caching |
PPC➣Panel Personal Computer |
PPC➣Personnel Processing Code |
PPC➣Parallel Plate Capacitance (capacitance of the void space of surface) |
PPC➣Procurement Planning Conference (US Navy) |
PPC➣Policy and Procedure Committee |
PPC➣Plutonium Process Cell |
PPC➣Post Parietal Cortex |
PPC➣Parent Policy Committee |
PPC➣Parallel Power Cable |
PPC➣Posture Planning Committee |
PPC➣Power Plant Charge |
PPC➣Personal Pissing Contest |
PPC➣Policy Protection Class (insurance) |
PPC➣Proposed Power Control |
PPC➣Passenger Processing Center |
PPC➣Prayer for the Persecuted Church, Inc. (est. 1998) |
PPC➣Polar Path Compass |
PPC➣Plasma Projection Cannon (Battletech) |
PPC➣Personnel Program Coordinator |
PPC➣Parallel Pilot Channel |
PPC➣Pioneer Power Club (Ogemaw County, Michigan) |
PPC➣Pulse-to-Pulse Correlation |
PPC➣Punjabi Press Club (Canada) |
PPC➣Purchasing Price Change |
PPC➣Prohibit PIC Change (Ameritech) |
PPC➣Proposed Program Change |
PPC➣Poker Private Club (French poker club) |