释义 |
Ranvier plexus Ran·vi·er plex·us (rahn-vē-ā'), a subbasal stroma plexus of the cornea. See: stroma plexus. Ranvier, Louis A., French pathologist, 1835-1922. nodes of Ranvier - short intervals in the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers.Ranvier crosses - black or brown figures in the shape of a cross, marking Ranvier nodes in the longitudinal section of a nerve stained with silver nitrate.Ranvier disks - tactile nerve endings of cupped disklike form in the skin. Synonym(s): Ranvier tactile disksRanvier membraneRanvier plexus - a subbasal stroma plexus of the cornea.Ranvier segment - the portion of a myelinated nerve fiber between two successive nodes. Synonym(s): internodal segmentRanvier tactile disks - Synonym(s): Ranvier disks |