

单词 ppd



abbreviation for 1. post-paid 2. prepaid


1. postpaid. 2. prepaid.



Parallel Presence Detect


(1) (Parallel Presence Detect) The method used by earlier SIMM memory modules to communicate their capacity to the computer. A binary number coming from a parallel set of pins was read by the system, with each pin representing one bit. Contrast with SPD.

(2) (PostScript Printer Description) See PPD file.



 purified protein derivative (tuberculin).


Abbreviation for purified protein derivative of tuberculin.


Abbreviation for:
packs per day
peak particle diameter
periodontal pocket depth
permanent partial disability
pigmented purpuric dermatosis (see there)
postpartum depression
personal and professional development
postpartum day
post psychotic depression
Prescription Pricing Division (Medspeak-UK)
primary progressive dementia
purified protein derivative


1. Packs per day.2. Personal protective device.3. Postpartum depression, see there.4. Progressive perceptive deafness.5. Purified protein derivative–of tuberculin–the antigenic material used to detect exposure to TB and response to M tuberculosis. See BCG.

Patient discussion about PPD

Q. What exactly is PPD? I heard it is a substance in hair color and that some women are allergic to it How can I know if I’m allergic to it?A. That sounds nasty... so how can I know if i'm allergic to it or not?

More discussions about PPD


PPDPost Paid
PPDPostpartum Depression
PPDPurified Protein Derivative (skin test agent; tuberculosis)
PPDPessoas Portadoras de Deficiencia (Portuguese: Persons with Disabilities; various locations)
PPDPostscript Printer Description
PPDPartido Popular Democrático (Popular Democratic Party, political party, Puerto Rico)
PPDPostponed (sporting events)
PPDPartnership for People with Disabilities (formerly Virginia Institute for Developmental Disabilities; Virginia Commonwealth University)
PPDPartido por la Democracia (Party for Democracy, Chile)
PPDPanasonic Plasma Display (Japan)
PPDPhiladelphia Police Department
PPDPay Per Download (sales)
PPDPresidential Policy Directive
PPDPermanent Partial Disability (insurance)
PPDPagan Pride Day
PPDPharmaceutical Product Development, Inc.
PPDPost-Potter Depression
PPDPoints per Day
PPDParanoid Personality Disorder
PPDPaid per Download (online advertising)
PPDPractice and Personal Development
PPDProcess and Product Design
PPDPsychopathic Personality Disorder
PPDPartners in Population and Development (various nations)
PPDPublic Power District (Nebraska)
PPDPseudo Processor Device
PPDPassenger Presence Detection
PPDPiezo Pumpe Duse
PPDProtection of Personal Data
PPDPrint Preview Dialog
PPDPlasma Panel Display
PPDPerl Package Distribution
PPDPacks Per Day (cigarettes)
PPDPartial Packet Discard
PPDPassenger Presence Detection (sensor)
PPDPer Patient Day
PPDParty for Democratic Prosperity (The Former Yugolsav Republic of Macedonia)
PPDPostScript Printer Definition
PPDPhoenix Police Department (Phoenix, Arizona, USA)
PPDPersonal & Professional Development
PPDPost Party Depression
PPDPersonal Protection Device
PPDPre Prosecution Diversion (criminal justice)
PPDPartito Popolare Democratico (Italian: People's Democratic Party; Switzerland)
PPDPounds Per Day (unit of measure for feeding chlorine gas with a rotameter tube)
PPDPublished Price to Dealer
PPDPortland Police Department
PPDPour Point Depressant
PPDPartia e Prosperitetit Demokratik (democratic prosperity party; Kosovo)
PPDPharmaceutical Products Division
PPDProcess Piping Designer
PPDPredicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (polling)
PPDPractitioner Professional Development (UK)
PPDProfessional Personal Development (various organizations)
PPDParaphenylene-Diamine (allergen)
PPDPersonal Property Division (JPPSO)
PPDPost-Partum Doula (childbirth)
PPDPresidential Protective Division (United States Secret Service)
PPDPoints Per Dart
PPDPlano Police Department (Plano, Texas)
PPDPhysician Practice Documentation (software)
PPDPayment Processing Direct (credit card processing)
PPDProgressive Pseudorheumatoid Dysplasia
PPDProposal Package Description
PPDPersonal Profile Data (health records)
PPDPrepare to Die (gaming)
PPDPlant Population Density
PPDPolish Pentax Days (photography)
PPDPresidential Program Directive (US DHHS)
PPDPlasmatic Pulsar Device (Star Trek)
PPDPharmacy Practice Division (University of Wisconsin)
PPDPresidential Protective Detail
PPDPublic Procurement Directives (European Commission)
PPDProgram for People with Disabilities
PPDPrediction Probe Detector
PPDProject Proposal Document
PPDProyecto de Pequeñas Donaciones (Spanish: Small Project Grants; Mexico)
PPDProject-Peculiar Document
PPDPatent Policy Directorate (Canada)
PPDPacket Pair Dispersion
PPDPoughkeepsie Police Department (New York)
PPDProduct Planning & Development
PPDProduction Program Definition (document)
PPDPhysical Page of Data
PPDPropulsion and Powertrain Division
PPDProgram Package Document
PPDPlans and Programs Detachment
PPDProject Plan Document
PPDPulse Position Data
PPDParts Per Deciliter
PPDPoint Positioning Data
PPDPostal Presort Defaults
PPDprepubertal diabetic
PPDProgram/Project Planning Document
PPDPrimary Power Distribution
PPDPrimary Policy Database (Safenet)
PPDProposed Plan Distribution
PPDProfessional Product Device
PPDPrincipals, Partners and Directors (consulting and auditing firms)
PPDPetroleum Production Division




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