basic fuchsin


 [fūk´sin] any of several red to purple dyes, sometimes specifically basic fuchsin.acid fuchsin a mixture of sulfonated fuchsins; used in various complex stains.basic fuchsin a histologic stain, containing predominantly pararosaniline and rosaniline.

ba·sic fuch·sin

[C.I. 42500] a triphenylmethane dye the dominant component of which is pararosanilin; an important stain in histology, histochemistry, and bacteriology. Synonym(s): diamond fuchsin

ba·sic fuch·sin

(bā'sik fūk'sin) [CI 42500] A triphenylmethane dye the dominant component of which is pararosanilin; an important stain in histology, histochemistry, and bacteriology.