basic fuchsin-methylene blue stain

ba·sic fuch·sin-meth·yl·ene blue stain

a stain for intact epoxy sections; semithick sections of plastic-embedded tissues have nuclei stained purple; collagen, elastic lamina, and connective tissue are stained blue; mitochondria, myelin, and lipid droplets are stained red; cytoplasm, smooth muscle cells, axoplasm, and chrondroblasts are stained pink.

ba·sic fuch·sin-meth·yl·ene blue stain

(bā'sik fūk'sin-meth'i-lēn blū stān) A stain for intact epoxy sections; semithick sections of plastic-embedded tissues have nuclei stained purple; collagen, elastic lamina, and connective tissue are stained blue; mitochondria, myelin, and lipid droplets are stained red; cytoplasm, smooth muscle cells, axoplasm, and chondroblast are stained pink.