Acronym | Definition |
PPM➣Parts Per Million |
PPM➣Pages Per Minute |
PPM➣Pay Per Minute |
PPM➣Pounds (Mass) Per Minute |
PPM➣Project Portfolio Management |
PPM➣Public Policy and Management |
PPM➣Product Portfolio Management |
PPM➣Price Per Month |
PPM➣Principles of Project Management (course) |
PPM➣Programme and Project Management (various organizations) |
PPM➣Planning and Performance Management (various organizations) |
PPM➣Project and Program Management (Army Corps of Engineers) |
PPM➣Private Placement Memorandum (finance/venture capital) |
PPM➣Personnel Policy Manual (various organizations) |
PPM➣Please Please Me (Beatles album) |
PPM➣Practical Pain Management |
PPM➣Points Per Minute |
PPM➣Pulse-Position Modulation |
PPM➣Public-Private Mix (healthcare) |
PPM➣Pulses Per Minute |
PPM➣Project Performance Management |
PPM➣Program Planning and Management |
PPM➣Perl Package Manager |
PPM➣Processor Power Management (computing) |
PPM➣Plans Preparation Manual (various locations) |
PPM➣Project Procurement Manager (various companies) |
PPM➣Planned Preventive Maintenance |
PPM➣Portable People Meter (Arbitron Inc. audience measurement system) |
PPM➣Pemberantasan Penyakit Menular (Indonesian: Communicable Disease) |
PPM➣Passport Program Manager |
PPM➣Pulse per Minute |
PPM➣Packages per Minute |
PPM➣Plasma Panel Monitor |
PPM➣Programme and Project Management |
PPM➣Pulse Position Modulation |
PPM➣Parent Partition Mapping |
PPM➣Peak Program Meter |
PPM➣Programmer'S Package Manager |
PPM➣Periodic Preventive Maintenance |
PPM➣Process Performance Manager (ARIS) |
PPM➣Points per Match (various sports) |
PPM➣Portable Pixel Map |
PPM➣Post Program Monitoring (International Monetary Fund) |
PPM➣Piecewise Parabolic Method |
PPM➣Physician Practice Management |
PPM➣Personal People Meter (electronic audience-ratings device) |
PPM➣Prediction by Partial Matching |
PPM➣Product Process Management |
PPM➣Pence Per Minute |
PPM➣Process Performance Measure |
PPM➣People's Progressive Movement |
PPM➣Peter, Paul, & Mary |
PPM➣Permanent Pacemaker |
PPM➣Personally Procured Move |
PPM➣Project Progress Meeting |
PPM➣Periodic Permanent Magnet |
PPM➣Positive Performance Management |
PPM➣Packages Per Minute (packaging machinery specifications) |
PPM➣Preproduction Model |
PPM➣Peak Program Meter (ITU-T) |
PPM➣Precision Parts Manufacturing (Canadian-based Hungarian company) |
PPM➣Preplanning Meeting |
PPM➣Policy & Procedure Manual |
PPM➣Partido Popular Monárquico |
PPM➣Portfolio Product Manager (various companies) |
PPM➣Project Planning Matrix |
PPM➣Purchase Price Multiple (mergers and acquisitions) |
PPM➣Proactive Preventive Maintenance |
PPM➣Point Projection Microscope |
PPM➣Pollution Prevention Manager |
PPM➣Power Policy Manager (computing) |
PPM➣Presidential Pet Museum (Annapolis, MD) |
PPM➣Harlequin Print Production Manager (software) |
PPM➣Postings Per Month (USENET) |
PPM➣Professional Photographers of Michigan |
PPM➣Positive Psychology Movement |
PPM➣Periodic Pulse Metering |
PPM➣Paces Per Minute (cardiology) |
PPM➣Plate Pressing Machine |
PPM➣Premier Portfolio Managers (UK) |
PPM➣Path Probability Method |
PPM➣Principle Period of Maintenance |
PPM➣Pervasive Performance Management |
PPM➣Performance Prediction Model |
PPM➣Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia |
PPM➣Pre-Assembled Power Module (wind turbines) |
PPM➣Pollution and Process Monitoring Ltd (UK) |
PPM➣Pasadena Pro Musica (singing group) |
PPM➣Partial Program Manager |
PPM➣Production or Processing Method (environment) |
PPM➣Progressive Phase Maintenance |
PPM➣Paramus Park Mall (Paramus, New Jersey) |
PPM➣Part per Minute |
PPM➣People Power Movement (Philippines) |
PPM➣Packet Processor Module |
PPM➣Pulsaciones Por Minutos (Spanish: Pulses Per Minute) |
PPM➣Partie Progressive de la Martinique (French: Martinique Progressive Party) |
PPM➣Personal Profile Manager (database; Avaya) |
PPM➣Pump Performance Monitoring (Lucent) |
PPM➣Period of Performance and Maintenance |
PPM➣Primary Propulsion Manager |
PPM➣Pikapokemaster |
PPM➣Port Power Supply Module (Telabs) |
PPM➣Pencil Marks in Margin (philatelic imperfection) |
PPM➣Prediction by Pattern Matching |
PPM➣Presentation and Personalization Management |
PPM➣Procurement Policy Memorandum |
PPM➣Planar Periodic Metallization |
PPM➣Pilot Production Model |
PPM➣Personnel & Property Manager |
PPM➣Promina Processor Module |
PPM➣Propulsion Plant Manual |
PPM➣Product Process Model (SAP) |
PPM➣Pilot Performance Measurement |
PPM➣PIM PAM Management |
PPM➣Program Progress Meeting |