


Ababua, or Babua, a group of closely related tribes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They inhabit the area to the north and east of Kisangani (Stanleyville)—the basin of the Aruwimi and Uele rivers. The total population of the Baboa is about 400,000, according to a 1967 estimate. Their language is Libua, which is in the Kongo group of the Bantu language family. The Baboa have retained their local traditional beliefs. Their main occupation is hoe farming (cassava, bananas, corn, sweet potatoes, and yams); some of the Baboa work on coffee plantations and in enterprises in Kisangani.


Sobchenko, A. 1. “Etnicheskii sostav Kongo.” In Afrikanskii etnograficheskii sbornik, vol. 4. Moscow-Leningrad, 1962.