Acronym | Definition |
PPV➣Pay Per View |
PPV➣Positive Predictive Value (parameter of diagnostic examination in medicine) |
PPV➣Points Plus Value (Weight Watchers) |
PPV➣Poly (Phenylene Vinylene) |
PPV➣Positive Pressure Ventilation |
PPV➣Pars Plana Vitrectomy |
PPV➣Plum Pox Virus |
PPV➣Peak Particle Velocity (mining) |
PPV➣Porcine Parvovirus |
PPV➣Pago por Ver (Spanish: Pay per View) |
PPV➣Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine |
PPV➣Police Pursuit Vehicle |
PPV➣Pulse Pressure Variation |
PPV➣Public-Private Venture |
PPV➣Purchase Price Variance |
PPV➣Proportioning Valve |
PPV➣Power Point Viewer |
PPV➣Planned Product Value |
PPV➣Police Package Vehicle |
PPV➣Public Passenger Vehicle (legal classification; various locations) |
PPV➣Peak-to-Peak Voltage (electricity) |
PPV➣Perturbation Projection Vector |
PPV➣Pick-Up Passenger Vehicle |
PPV➣Pneumococcal Pneumonia Vaccine |
PPV➣Pedal-Powered Vehicle |
PPV➣Per Page View (web site services billing) |
PPV➣Private Passenger Vehicle |
PPV➣Product Price Variance (economics) |
PPV➣Pages Per Visitor |
PPV➣Professionele Project Verhuizers (Dutch brand for professional usiness movers) |
PPV➣People Powered Vehicle |
PPV➣Pre Production Verification |
PPV➣Patent Procesus Vaginalis |
PPV➣Parent Path Vector |
PPV➣Post Production Verification (software development) |
PPV➣Product Platform Validation (software/hardware) |
PPV➣Power Price Vector |
PPV➣Point of Peak Velocity |
PPV➣Price Point Variance (financial management) |
PPV➣Product/Process Validation Vehicle (General Motors automotive) |