

单词 practicality



P0498000 (prăk′tĭ-kəl)adj.1. Of, relating to, governed by, or acquired through practice or action, rather than theory or speculation: gained practical experience of sailing as a deck hand.2. Manifested in or involving practice: practical applications of calculus.3. Capable of or suitable to being used or put into effect; useful: practical knowledge of Japanese. See Usage Note at practicable.4. Concerned with the production or operation of something useful: Woodworking is a practical art.5. Having or showing good judgment; sensible: If we're practical, we can do the job quickly.6. Being actually so in almost every respect; virtual: The snowstorm was a practical disaster.
[Middle English practicale, from Medieval Latin prācticālis, from prāctica, practice; see practicable.]
prac′ti·cal′i·ty (-kăl′ĭ-tē), prac′ti·cal·ness n.
Noun1.practicality - concerned with actual use rather than theoretical possibilitiesusefulness, utility - the quality of being of practical usefunctionality - capable of serving a purpose well; "software with greater functionality"viability - capable of being done in a practical and useful waysensibleness - the quality of showing good sense or practical judgmentrealism, pragmatism - the attribute of accepting the facts of life and favoring practicality and literal truthimpracticality - concerned with theoretical possibilities rather than actual use


noun1. feasibility, value, use, possibility, utility, viability, usefulness, practicability, workability the practicality of the suggestion2. common sense, sense, realism, pragmatism, matter-of-factness Mr Calder showed commendable practicality in his attitude.3. functionalism, utility, usefulness, functionality, serviceability The furniture managed to combine practicality with elegance.4. practical details, mechanics, nuts and bolts (informal), nitty gritty (informal) the cost and practicality of the system


(ˈprӕktikəl) adjective1. concerned with the doing of something. practical difficulties; His knowledge is practical rather than theoretical. 實際的 实际的2. (of a thing, idea etc) useful; effective. You must try to find a practical answer to the problem. 有用的,實用的 有用的,实用的 3. (negative unpractical) (of a person) able to do or deal with things well or efficiently. He can look after himself – he's a very practical child. 有實踐經驗的 有实践经验的ˌpractiˈcality (ˈkӕ-) noun 實踐性 实践性ˈpractically adverb1. almost. The room was practically full. 幾乎 几乎2. in a practical way. Practically, it's more difficult than you think. 實際上,事實上 实际上,事实上 practical joke a usually irritating joke consisting of an action done to someone, rather than a story told. He nailed my chair to the floor as a practical joke. 惡作劇 恶作剧



  • noun

Synonyms for practicality

noun feasibility


  • feasibility
  • value
  • use
  • possibility
  • utility
  • viability
  • usefulness
  • practicability
  • workability

noun common sense


  • common sense
  • sense
  • realism
  • pragmatism
  • matter-of-factness

noun functionalism


  • functionalism
  • utility
  • usefulness
  • functionality
  • serviceability

noun practical details


  • practical details
  • mechanics
  • nuts and bolts
  • nitty gritty

Antonyms for practicality

noun concerned with actual use rather than theoretical possibilities

Related Words

  • usefulness
  • utility
  • functionality
  • viability
  • sensibleness
  • realism
  • pragmatism


  • impracticality




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