Tuva Basin

Tuva Basin


an intermontane depression in the region of the upper part of the Enisei River, in the Tuva ASSR.

The Tuva Basin is bounded by the slopes of the Zapadnyi Sai-an, Altai, and Tannu-Ola ranges and by the Vostochnaia Tuva Highlands. It is approximately 400 km long, and its width ranges from 25 to 60–70 km. Elevations range from 600 to 900 m. The relief consists of hills and plains with sections of melkosopochnik (seeMELKOSOPOCHNIK). The basin’s main rivers are the Ulug-Khem, or Verkhnii Enisei, and its left tributary, the Khemchik. The low-mountain massif Adar-Dash divides the Tuva Basin into western (Khemchik) and eastern (Ulug-Khem) basins. Grass-wormwood and caragana steppes have developed on predominantly shallow chestnut soils.

The most important livestock are sheep, which are raised for their meat and wool. Grain crops include wheat, barley, and millet. The cities of Kyzyl, Shagonar, Chadan, and Ak-Dovurak are located in the Tuva Basin. Coal is found in the Ulug-Khem Basin.