

(par'tō-gram), Graph of labor parameters of time and dilation with alert and action lines to prompt intervention if the curve deviates from expected. Synonym(s): Friedman curve, labor curve [L. partus, childbirth, + -gram]


(pahr'tō-gram) Graph of labor parameters of time and dilation with alert and action lines to prompt intervention if the curve deviates from expected.
Synonym(s): Friedman curve, labor curve.
[L. partus, childbirth, + -gram]


(part′ŏ-gram″) In obstetrics, a graphical representation of labor that in a healthy delivery results in the birth of a child.

Patient care

The parameters recorded on the graph include changes in fetal heart rate, rate of dilation of the maternal cervix, and rate of fetal descent. These data can be compared with known norms to help identify delays in the expected progress of labor and improve intrapartum care.