Beartooth Scenic Byway - Montana

Beartooth Scenic Byway - Montana

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:c/o Friends of the Beartooth All-American Road
1108 14th St, #403
Cody, WY 82414

Web: Description:Regarded as one of the most spectacular national forest routes in North America, the Beartooth runs from the historic mining town of Red Lodge to the northeast entrance of Yellowstone National Park. Surrounded by the Custer, Gallatin, and Shoshone national forests, it offers travelers the opportunity to observe the transition from a lush forest ecosystem to alpine tundra in the space of a few miles. The Beartooths are one of the highest elevation and most rugged areas in the lower 48 states, with 20 peaks over 12,000 feet in elevation. The road itself is the highest elevation highway in Wyoming (10,947 feet) and Montana (10,350 feet), and is the highest elevation highway in the Northern Rockies.
Legth: 30 miles (Montana section); 69 miles (entire byway). Start/Endpoint: Montana's section of the byway (US 212) is comprised of two segments: the western section runs through Gallatin National Forest, starting between Red Lodge and Gardiner,just north of Yellowstone National Park, and ending at the stateline; the eastern section resumes about 40 miles later at the stateline and runs through Custer National Forest, ending at RedLodge, Montana. Time to Allow: 1.5 hours (Montana); 3 hours (entire byway). Designation/Year: All-American Road (2002).

See other parks in Wyoming.