Rapunzel syndrome

A fanciful term for the symptoms of a massive trichobezoar caused by trichotillomania and trichophagia, which occurs mainly in female psychiatric or mentally retarded patients
Imaging Mass lesion, usually gastric with ‘strands’ of hair extending into upper small intestine
Lab Hypochromic microcytic anaemia—hair chelates iron
Management Surgery

Rapunzel syndrome

A fanciful term for the Sx of a massive trichobezoar caused by trichotillomania and trichophagia, seen mainly in mentally retarded or deranged ♀ Clinical Epigastric pain, bloating, N&V Radiology Mass lesion, usually gastric with 'strands' of hair extending into upper small intestine Lab Hypochromic microcytic anemia–hair is an iron chelator Treatment Surgery. See Bezoar.

Rapunzel syndrome

(ră-pŭn′zĕl) [ Rapunzel, a long-haired girl in a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm] The extension of a hairball into the small intestine, causing obstruction of the small or large bowel.


legendary young woman whose long hair allowed her to escape from a tower in which she was held captive. Rapunzel syndrome - internal matter that has formed a compact body that occasionally assumes the appearance of strands of twisted hair that extend from a bezoar through the intestine. Synonym(s): bezoar