

单词 src



(computer science) stored response chain


(SouRCe) Contrast with DST, which is an abbreviation of "destination."



Family of oncogenes involved in transforming normal cells to cancer cells. Src was the first transforming oncogene discovered. Proteins produced by these genes have tyrosine kinase activity. See: oncogene; transformation


SRCSource Code
SRCSe Ruega Contestación (Spanish: Please Reply)
SRCSanta Rosa (Amtrak station code; Santa Rosa, CA)
SRCStudent Representative Council
SRCState Rehabilitation Council
SRCSurvey Research Center
SRCSpring Racing Carnival (horse racing; Australia)
SRCSystems Research Center (Compaq)
SRCScientific Research Council (Jamaica)
SRCSample Rate Converter
SRCSystem Resource Controller
SRCSociété Radio-Canada
SRCScholastic Reading Counts (independent reading program)
SRCSchool Report Card (various locations)
SRCStudent Research Competition
SRCSample Rate Conversion
SRCSemiconductor Research Corporation
SRCShort Rotation Coppice
SRCSteroid Receptor Coactivator
SRCSports and Recreation Center (various schools)
SRCSaskatchewan Research Council (Canada)
SRCScientific Research Corporation (est. 1988; Atlanta, GA)
SRCServices et Réseaux de Communication (French: Services and Networks Communication)
SRCSpoon River College (Macomb, IL)
SRCSystem Reliability Center (Rome, NY)
SRCSports-Related Concussion (injury)
SRCSouthern Regional College (Northern Ireland, UK)
SRCSyracuse Research Corporation
SRCSecurity Response Center
SRCSelf Reference Criterion
SRCSolid Rock Cafe
SRCService Request Center (resource; various organizations)
SRCShort Range Certificate
SRCScientific Review Committee
SRCSafety Review Committee
SRCShort Range Correlation
SRCSlavic Research Center (Hokkaido University; Japan)
SRCSample Return Capsule (STARDUST mission; NASA)
SRCSystem Recovery Console
SRCSubscriber Registration Center
SRCSilicon Readout Controller
SRCService Resource Protocol
SRCShift Right Circular
SRCScalable Rate Control
SRCSegment Reassembly Controller
SRCStructured Reactive Controller
SRCSource File
SRCSecurity Reporting Center
SRCSystems Research Center
SRCSystem Reference Code
SRCStudent Research Conference (various schools)
SRCSynchrotron Radiation Center (University of Wisconsin)
SRCSleep and Respiratory Care (Philips Respironics)
SRCSocialiste, Radical, Citoyen et Divers Gauche (French: Socialist, Radical, Citizen and Miscellaneous Left; parliamentary group)
SRCShared Resource Center
SRCSummer Reading Camp (various organizations)
SRCSan Ramon Campus (San Ramon, CA)
SRCStudent Recreation Centre
SRCSteel Reinforced Concrete
SRCStandards Review Committee (various organizations)
SRCSwiss Red Cross
SRCSocial Research Center
SRCSemiconductor Research Council
SRCState Referee Committee (various locations)
SRCSenate Research Committee (various organizations)
SRCStorage Research Consortium (Japan)
SRCSlavic-Eurasian Research Center (Hokkaido University; Japan)
SRCState Research Center (Russia)
SRCSeismology Research Centre
SRCStrategy and Resources Committee (various organizations)
SRCSmart Regenerative Charging (automotive)
SRCScholarship Review Committee (various locations)
SRCSimulation RPG Construction
SRCService Review Committee
SRCStudent Research Colloquium (various schools)
SRCShip Repair and Conversion (various organizations)
SRCSnake River Conspiracy (band)
SRCSalzburg Rallye Club (Austrian automobile club)
SRCSolvent-Refined Coal
SRCSpanish Red Cross
SRCStudent Relations Committee (various schools)
SRCService Request Confirmation
SRCSocial Responsibility Committee (European postal working group)
SRCSummer Research College (various organizations)
SRCStaffing Resource Center (various companies)
SRCSimon's Rock College
SRCStanding Rules Committee (various organizations)
SRCSupernature Racing Club
SRCSchool Readiness Center (various locations)
SRCService Régional du Contrôle de la Formation Continue (French: Regional Service Control of Continuing Education)
SRCService Reception Center (US DoD)
SRCV-SRC Avian Sarcoma (Schmidt-Ruppin A-2) Viral Oncogene
SRCSection Régionale Conchylicole (French: Regional Section Shellfish)
SRCSierra Railroad Company
SRCSingle Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) Response Cell (US DoD)
SRCSubmarine Rescue Chamber
SRCStandard Requirements Code (US Army)
SRCSocial Science Research Computing (University of Chicago)
SRCSuzuki Rally Cup (car race)
SRCState Racing Commission
SRCSign Review Committee
SRCSimple RISC Computer
SRCSpam Recycling Center
SRCState Reporting Code (software)
SRCStrategic Review Committee
SRCShepparton Rowing Club (Victoria, Australia)
SRCSaskatchewan Regional Colleges (Canada)
SRCSupercomputer Research Center (Bowie, MD, USA)
SRCSurvival Recovery Center
SRCStandard Requirement Code
SRCSeries Resonant Converter
SRCStudent Responsibility Center
SRCSamara Rally Club (Russia)
SRCSwedish Racing Club (est. 1960)
SRCSource Accumulator
SRCSpring Regional Conference (various organizations)
SRCSpicelands Riding Centre (UK)
SRCShalimar Recording Company (Pakistan)
SRCSid Richardson College (Rice University, Houston, TX, USA)
SRCSupper Roll Call
SRCSecurity Risk Category
SRCSeamless Rate Change
SRCStrasburg Railroad Company
SRCScheduled Removal Component
SRCSudan Red Crescent
SRCSubscriber Retention Cost
SRCSociété des Régates de Courseulles (French: Regatta Society of Courseulles; France)
SRCSpecial Requirements Code
SRCSturm, Ruger and Company, Inc.
SRCScieries Réunies du Chalonnais (French: Sawmills Gathered from Chalon)
SRCSaint Rita College (Manila, Philippines)
SRCSurveillance Radar Computer
SRCSmooth-Rough Crossover (fractal geometry of engineering surfaces)
SRCSpecial Routing Code
SRCSpeculative Result Cache
SRCStatewide Resource Centre
SRCSatellite Research Center
SRCSheriff's Radio Center (Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department)
SRCStock Room Control
SRCSouthern Region Chief (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America)
SRCStores Reliability Card (TMINS)
SRCStage Right Center
SRCSpin Recovery Chute
SRCSpectrum Raised-Cosine
SRCSwitch Redundancy Controller
SRCSwedish Relief Council
SRCSub-Regional Command
SRCSociety Relations Council
SRCSurveillance & Reconnaissance Center
SRCSwaziland Reformed Church (est. 1946)
SRCSwift Registration Center (Pakistan)
SRCStock Record Card
SRCStandard Reference Condition
SRCSample Receiving Custodian
SRCStaffs' Reference Committee
SRCStanton Rowing Club
SRCShort Range Calendar
SRCSpecial Retirement Coverage
SRCShipment Release Code
SRCSecondary Reference Cube
SRCSpokane Regional Council
SRCSpecimen Research Centrifuge
SRCSurface Run Cable
SRCStereo Reception Control
SRCScrap Recycle Plant
SRCSmall Regional Conflict
SRCSupport Responsibility Code
SRCService Repair Card
SRCShadowed Rician Channel
SRCSystem Retirement Concept
SRCSistema de Relación con el Cliente (Spanish: System of Customer Relationships)
SRCSocial Renaissance Council
SRCSystem Request Consultants, Inc (Middleton, WI)
SRCSubmarine Reactor Compartment
SRCSTEMI (ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) Receiving Center (heart care)
SRCSalt Resistant Cement




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