Rosie the Riveter

Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park

Parks Directory of the United States / US National Parks / National Historical ParksAddress:1401 Marina Way S, Suite C
Richmond, CA 94804

Size: 145 acres.
Established: Authorized on October 25, 2000.
Location:In Richmond, California.
Facilities:In early development stages. Includes unstaffed visitor center in Richmond's City Hall.
Activities:Interpretive tours (by appointment) and auto touring of City of Richmond's historic World War II sites.
Special Features:This Richmond, California park was created to commemorate the mobilization of the workforce on the home front during World War II, while specifically recognizing the contributions of women and minorities to this effort. The four Richmond shipyards, with their combined 27 shipways, produced 747 ships, more than any other shipyard complex in the country. Park will consist of five sites in the city of Richmond where the original buildings still stand that housed employees and provided services to those working at the shipyards. It will include various areas along the waterfront of Richmond where a World War II Home Front Education Center will be established.

See other parks in California.

Rosie the Riveter

popular WWII song romanticizing women workers. [Am. Hist.: Flexner, 395]See: Mannishness