Acronym | Definition |
SMAC➣Social Mobile Analytics and Cloud |
SMAC➣Simple Mac |
SMAC➣Source Media Access Control |
SMAC➣Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (game) |
SMAC➣Sorbitol MacConkey Agar (clinical microbiology laboratories) |
SMAC➣State Maximum Allowable Cost (pharmacy) |
SMAC➣Second Mitochondria-Derived Activator of Caspases (apoptosis; hematology) |
SMAC➣Somaliland Mine Action Centre (land mines; Somalia) |
SMAC➣Servicio de Mediación, Arbitraje y Conciliación |
SMAC➣Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentration |
SMAC➣Southern Maryland Athletic Conference |
SMAC➣Southern Michigan Adventure Club |
SMAC➣Smac MAC Address Changer |
SMAC➣Scaled Modal Assurance Criterion |
SMAC➣Supramolecular Activation Complex |
SMAC➣Sport Martial Arts Championship |
SMAC➣Student Movement Against Cancer (Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School) |
SMAC➣Simple Mastectomy with Axillary Clearance |
SMAC➣Seattle Model Aircraft Company (Seattle, WA) |
SMAC➣Shipment Mobility/Accountability Collection |
SMAC➣Sequential Multiple Analyzer Computer |
SMAC➣Shielded Metal Arc Cutting |
SMAC➣Santa Monica Air Center (Santa Monica, CA) |
SMAC➣Safe Money and Credit (SMAC Vault, Inc.) |
SMAC➣Source Media Access Control (Cisco) |
SMAC➣Securities Movement and Control (stocks and bonds transactions accounting) |
SMAC➣Suppliers and Manufacturers in Automotive Collaboration |
SMAC➣Simulation Model of Automobile Collision |
SMAC➣State Mapping Advisory Council |
SMAC➣Sunday Morning After Church |
SMAC➣Shenandoah Marlins Aquatics Club (Waynesboro, VA) |
SMAC➣Service Center Mainframes Accelerated Consolidation |
SMAC➣Scene Matching Area Correlator |
SMAC➣Suspect Material Action Committee |
SMAC➣Students for a More Accessible Campus (University of Rhode Island; Kingston, RI) |
SMAC➣Sensor Media Access Control Protocol |
SMAC➣Simple Media Access Control Protocol |
SMAC➣Single Manned Attack Craft (Space Master RPG) |
SMAC➣Supplier Management Awareness and Commitment |
SMAC➣Sit Meum Auxilium Christus (Latin: Christ Be My Help; epigraphy) |
SMAC➣Solow, Minhas, Arrow, Chenery (production function authors) |
SMAC➣Sane's Monthly Algorithms Challenge (computer science) |
SMAC➣Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and Challenging (objectives) |