

单词 small



S0489300 (smôl)adj. small·er, small·est 1. a. Being below average in size: a small car.b. Being below average in quantity or extent: a small donation; a small project.2. Limited in importance or significance; trivial: a small matter.3. Having limited position, influence, or status; minor: "A crowd of small writers had vainly attempted to rival Addison" (Thomas Macaulay).4. Unpretentious; modest: made a small living; helped the cause in my own small way.5. Not fully grown; very young: a small child.6. Narrow in outlook; petty: a small mind.7. Having been belittled; humiliated: Their comments made me feel small.8. Diluted; weak. Used of alcoholic beverages.9. Lacking force or volume: a small voice.10. Lowercase: Type the password in small letters.adv.1. In small pieces: Cut the meat up small.2. Without loudness or forcefulness; softly.3. In a small manner.n.1. A part that is smaller or narrower than the rest: the small of the back.2. smallsa. Small things considered as a group.b. Chiefly British Small items of clothing.
[Middle English smal, from Old English smæl.]
small′ish adj.small′ness n.Synonyms: small, diminutive, little, miniature, minuscule, minute2, petite, tiny, wee1
These adjectives mean being notably below the average in size or magnitude: a small house; diminutive in stature; little hands; a miniature camera; a minuscule amount of rain; minute errors; a petite figure; tiny feet; a wee puppy.Antonym: large


(smɔːl) adj1. comparatively little; limited in size, number, importance, etc2. of little importance or on a minor scale: a small business. 3. lacking in moral or mental breadth or depth: a small mind. 4. modest or humble: small beginnings. 5. of low or inferior status, esp socially6. (of a child or animal) young; not mature7. unimportant, trivial: a small matter. 8. not outstanding: a small actor. 9. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) of, relating to, or designating the ordinary modern minuscule letter used in printing and cursive writing. Compare capital113 See also lower case10. lacking great strength or force: a small effort. 11. in fine particles: small gravel. 12. (Brewing) obsolete (of beer, etc) of low alcoholic strengthadv13. into small pieces: you have to cut it small. 14. in a small or soft manner15. feel small to be humiliated or inferiorn16. the small an object, person, or group considered to be small: do you want the small or the large?. 17. a small slender part, esp of the back18. (Clothing & Fashion) (plural) informal chiefly Brit items of personal laundry, such as underwear[Old English smæl; related to Old High German smal, Old Norse smali small cattle] ˈsmallish adj ˈsmallness n



adj.andadv. -er, -est,
n. adj. 1. of limited size; not big; little: a small box. 2. slender or narrow: a small waist. 3. not large as compared with others of the same kind: a small elephant. 4. (of an alphabetical letter) lowercase. 5. not great in amount, extent, duration, etc.: a small salary. 6. of low numerical value. 7. carrying on some activity on a limited scale: a small business. 8. of minor importance: a small problem. 9. humble or modest: small circumstances. 10. mean-spirited; petty: a small, miserly man. 11. (of sound or the voice) having little volume. 12. very young: a small boy. 13. diluted; weak. adv. 14. in a small manner, esp. modestly or frugally. 15. into small pieces. 16. Archaic. in low tones; softly. n. 17. a person or thing that is small. 18. a small or narrow part, as of the back. 19. the small, people without wealth or influence: Democracy benefits the great and the small. 20. smalls, small goods or products. 21. a. a size of garments for persons of less than average dimensions, weight, etc. b. a garment in this size. 22. smalls, Brit. a. underclothes. b. household linen. Idioms: feel small, to be ashamed or mortified. [before 900; Middle English smale (adj., n., and adv.), Old English smæl, c. Old Frisian smel, Old Saxon, Old High German smal, Gothic smals small] small′ish, adj. small′ness, n.


– large">large

The following adjectives are used to indicate how small or large something is. They are arranged from 'smallest' to 'largest'.

  • microscopic, infinitesimal...microscopic fibres of protein....mineral substances present in infinitesimal amounts in the soil.
  • tiny, minute, miniature, diminutive, minusculeThough she was tiny, she had a very loud voice.Only a minute amount is needed.He looked like a miniature version of his handsome and elegant big brother.She noticed a diminutive figure standing at the entrance.Rolls Royce are still British-owned their sales are miniscule.
  • small, littleThe window was far too small for him to get through.We sat around a little table, eating and drinking wine.
  • medium-sized, average-sized...a medium-sized saucepan.Most average-sized women just aren't born to be ultra tiny.
  • large, big, greatHe was a large man with thick dark hair.The car was too big to fit into our garage....a great hall as long and high as a church.
  • huge, enormous, massive...a tiny little woman with huge black glasses.The main bedroom is enormous.There was evidence of massive fraud.
  • vast, immense, gigantic, colossal...farmers who own vast stretches of land....an immense cloud of smoke.Britain faces a gigantic problem over the disease.There has been a colossal waste of public money.


– little">little

Small and little are both used to say that someone or something is not large. There are some important differences in the ways these words are used.

1. position in clause

Small can be used in front of a noun, or after a verb such as be.

They escaped in small boats.She is small for her age.

Little is normally used only in front of nouns. You can talk about 'a little town', but you do not say 'The town is little'.

She bought a little table with a glass top.I picked up a little piece of rock.
2. used with grading adverbs

You can use words like quite and rather in front of small.

Quite small changes in climate can have enormous effects.She cut me a rather small piece of cake.

Don't use these words in front of 'little'.

You can use very and too in front of small.

The trees are full of very small birds.They are living in houses which are too small.

'Very' or 'too' are not usually used in front of little when it is an adjective, except when you are talking about a young child. You don't say, for example, 'I have a very little car', but you can say 'She was a very little girl.'

3. comparatives and superlatives

Small has the comparative and superlative forms smaller and smallest.

His apartment is smaller than his other place.She rented the smallest car she could.

The comparative form littler and the superlative form littlest are mostly used in spoken English and to talk about young children.

The littler kids had been sent to bed.You used to be the littlest boy in the school.
4. used with other adjectives

You can use other adjectives in front of little.

They gave me a funny little hat.She was a pretty little girl.

Be Careful!
You don't normally use other adjectives in front of 'small'.

Noun1.small - the slender part of the backbody part - any part of an organism such as an organ or extremityback, dorsum - the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine; "his back was nicely tanned"
2.small - a garment size for a small personsize - the property resulting from being one of a series of graduated measurements (as of clothing); "he wears a size 13 shoe"
Adj.1.small - limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a little dining room"; "a little house"; "a small car"; "a little (or small) group"littlebig, large - above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a large city"; "set out for the big city"; "a large sum"; "a big (or large) barn"; "a large family"; "big businesses"; "a big expenditure"; "a large number of newspapers"; "a big group of scientists"; "large areas of the world"
2.small - limited in size or scopesmall - limited in size or scope; "a small business"; "a newspaper with a modest circulation"; "small-scale plans"; "a pocket-size country"pocket-size, pocket-sized, small-scale, modest, minorlimited - small in range or scope; "limited war"; "a limited success"; "a limited circle of friends"
3.small - (of children and animals) young, immature; "what a big little boy you are"; "small children"littleyoung, immature - (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth; "young people"
4.small - slight or limited; especially in degree or intensity or scope; "a series of death struggles with small time in between"archaicism, archaism - the use of an archaic expressionslight, little - (quantifier used with mass nouns) small in quantity or degree; not much or almost none or (with `a') at least some; "little rain fell in May"; "gave it little thought"; "little time is left"; "we still have little money"; "a little hope remained"; "there's slight chance that it will work"; "there's a slight chance it will work"
5.small - low or inferior in station or qualitysmall - low or inferior in station or quality; "a humble cottage"; "a lowly parish priest"; "a modest man of the people"; "small beginnings"humble, lowly, modest, lowinferior - of or characteristic of low rank or importance
6.small - lowercase; "little a"; "small a"; "e.e.cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters"minuscule, littlelowercase - relating to small (not capitalized) letters that were kept in the lower half of a compositor's type case; "lowercase letters; a and b and c etc"
7.small - (of a voice) faint; "a little voice"; "a still small voice"littlesoft - (of sound) relatively low in volume; "soft voices"; "soft music"
8.small - have fine or very small constituent particles; "a small misty rain"fine - of textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles; "wood with a fine grain"; "fine powdery snow"; "fine rain"; "batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave"; "covered with a fine film of dust"
9.small - not large but sufficient in size or amountsmall - not large but sufficient in size or amount; "a modest salary"; "modest inflation"; "helped in my own small way"modestmoderate - being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme; "moderate prices"; "a moderate income"; "a moderate fine"; "moderate demands"; "a moderate estimate"; "a moderate eater"; "moderate success"; "a kitchen of moderate size"; "the X-ray showed moderate enlargement of the heart"
10.small - made to seem smaller or less (especially in worth)small - made to seem smaller or less (especially in worth); "her comments made me feel small"belittled, diminisheddecreased, reduced - made less in size or amount or degree
Adv.1.small - on a small scale; "think small"big - on a grand scale; "think big"


adjective1. little, minute, tiny, slight, mini, miniature, minuscule, diminutive, petite, teeny, puny, pint-sized (informal), pocket-sized, undersized, teeny-weeny, Lilliputian, teensy-weensy, pygmy or pigmy She is small for her age.
little great, big, large, huge, massive, vast, enormous, immense, mega (slang), colossal, stellar (informal), sizable or sizeable
2. intimate, close, private a small select group of friends3. young, little, growing up, junior, wee, juvenile, youthful, immature, unfledged, in the springtime of life What were you like when you were small?4. unimportant, minor, trivial, insignificant, little, lesser, petty, trifling, negligible, paltry, piddling (informal) No detail was too small to escape her attention.
unimportant major, important, significant, serious, powerful, vital, urgent, weighty, appreciable
5. modest, small-scale, humble, unpretentious, small-time shops, restaurants and other small businesses
modest grand, large-scale
6. soft, low, quiet, inaudible, low-pitched, noiseless a very small voice7. foolish, uncomfortable, humiliated, crushed, stupid, ashamed, deflated, mortified This may be just another of her schemes to make me feel small.8. meagre, inadequate, insufficient, scant, measly, scanty, limited, inconsiderable a diet of one small meal a day
meagre substantial, generous, ample, considerableQuotations
"Small is beautiful" [Professor E.F. Schumacher title of book]
"The best things come in small packages"


adjective1. Notably below average in amount, size, or scope:bantam, little, petite, smallish.2. Contemptibly unimportant:inconsiderable, negligible, niggling, nugatory, paltry, petty, picayune, piddling, small-minded, trifling.Slang: measly.Idiom: of no account.3. Below another in standing or importance:inferior, junior, lesser, low, lower, minor, minor-league, petty, secondary, subaltern, subordinate, under.Informal: smalltime.4. Not yet large in size because of incomplete growth:little.5. Not broad or elevated in scope or understanding:limited, little, narrow, narrow-minded, petty, small-minded.6. Not irritating, strident, or loud:hushed, low, low-key, low-keyed, quiet, soft, subdued, whispery.


(smoːl) adjective1. little in size, degree, importance etc; not large or great. She was accompanied by a small boy of about six; There's only a small amount of sugar left; She cut the meat up small for the baby. 小的,不重要的 小的,不重要的 2. not doing something on a large scale. He's a small businessman. 小規模的 小规模的3. little; not much. You have small reason to be satisfied with yourself. 少的 少的4. (of the letters of the alphabet) not capital. The teacher showed the children how to write a capital G and a small g. (字母)小寫的 (字母)小写的 small ads advertisements in the personal columns of a newspaper. (報紙中的)個人專欄廣告 (报纸中的)个人专栏广告 small arms weapons small and light enough to be carried by a man. They found a hoard of rifles and other small arms belonging to the rebels. 小型武器,輕兵器 轻武器small change coins of small value. a pocketful of small change. 零錢 小面值硬币,零钱 small hours the hours immediately after midnight. He woke up in the small hours. 午夜以後 午夜以后,凌晨 ˈsmallpox noun a type of serious infectious disease in which there is a severe rash of large, pus-filled spots that usually leave scars. 天花 天花small screen television, not the cinema. This play is intended for the small screen. 電視上的 电视上的ˈsmall-time adjective (of a thief etc) not working on a large scale. a small-time crook/thief. 三流的 三流的feel/look small to feel or look foolish or insignificant. He criticized her in front of her colleagues and made her feel very small. 覺得無地自容,覺得渺小 觉得无地自容,觉得渺小


  • The room is too small → 房间太小
  • Do you have a small? → 有小号的吗?
  • It's too small → 太小了
  • Do you have any small change? → 有面值更小的零钱吗?


  • (it's) little wonder
  • (it's) no wonder
  • (it's) small wonder
  • a big fish in a small pond
  • a big frog in a small pond
  • a small cog in a large machine
  • a small cog in a large wheel
  • a small fortune
  • a small frog in a big pond
  • be grateful for small blessings
  • be grateful for small mercies
  • be grateful/thankful for small mercies
  • be on the (something) side
  • be on the cold, small, etc. side
  • be thankful for small blessings
  • be thankful for small favors
  • be thankful for small mercies
  • best things come in small packages, good things come in small packages
  • big fish in a small pond
  • big frog in a small pond
  • big things come in small packages
  • cog in the wheel
  • do something in a big/small way
  • don't sweat the small stuff
  • engage in small talk
  • feel small
  • frog in a small pond
  • give thanks for small blessings
  • give thanks for small mercies
  • Good things come in small packages
  • great and small
  • in a big way
  • in a small way
  • in part
  • in small doses
  • in small part
  • it's a small world
  • it's no/small/little wonder...
  • lay low and sing small
  • lie low and sing small
  • little frog in a big pond
  • Little things please little minds
  • look/feel small
  • make (one) feel small
  • make a fortune
  • make someone feel small
  • mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small
  • no wonder
  • one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind
  • play a small part (in something)
  • play a small role (in something)
  • read the small print
  • small arms
  • small beer
  • small beer/small potatoes
  • small change
  • small fortune
  • small fry
  • small hours
  • small is beautiful
  • small potatoes
  • small print
  • small talk
  • small time
  • small wonder
  • small-time
  • still small voice
  • still small voice, a
  • sweat the small stuff
  • thank God for small blessings
  • thank God for small favors
  • thank God for small mercies
  • thankful for small blessings
  • the best things come in small packages
  • the early hours (of the night/morning)
  • the small hours
  • the small hours (of the night/morning)
  • the small matter of (something)
  • the small print
  • the small screen
  • the small/early hours
  • the still small voice
  • the still, small voice
  • the wee small hours (of the night/morning)
  • the world's smallest violin



Obsolete (of beer, etc.) of low alcoholic strength


All else being equal, smaller is usually preferable in sustainable building. Larger buildings and spaces require more materials and energy to construct and use more resources to heat, cool, and maintain.

What does it mean when you dream about being small?

If something looks small and distant in a dream, it may be something related to an experience way back in the dreamer’s past. This was an interpretation put forward by Sigmund Freud. (See also Little, Shrink).


(1)Functional, lazy, untyped.

["SMALL - A Small Interactive Functional System",L. Augustsson, TR 28, U Goteborg and Chalmers U, 1986].


(2)A toy language used to illustrate denotational semantics.

["The Denotational Description of Programming Languages",M.J.C. Gordon, Springer 1979].


SMALLSmall Model Airplane Lovers League
SMALLShort Multiplexed Asynchronous Line Module


Related to small: small talk
  • all
  • adj
  • noun
  • adv

Synonyms for small

adj little


  • little
  • minute
  • tiny
  • slight
  • mini
  • miniature
  • minuscule
  • diminutive
  • petite
  • teeny
  • puny
  • pint-sized
  • pocket-sized
  • undersized
  • teeny-weeny
  • Lilliputian
  • teensy-weensy
  • pygmy or pigmy


  • great
  • big
  • large
  • huge
  • massive
  • vast
  • enormous
  • immense
  • mega
  • colossal
  • stellar
  • sizable or sizeable

adj intimate


  • intimate
  • close
  • private

adj young


  • young
  • little
  • growing up
  • junior
  • wee
  • juvenile
  • youthful
  • immature
  • unfledged
  • in the springtime of life

adj unimportant


  • unimportant
  • minor
  • trivial
  • insignificant
  • little
  • lesser
  • petty
  • trifling
  • negligible
  • paltry
  • piddling


  • major
  • important
  • significant
  • serious
  • powerful
  • vital
  • urgent
  • weighty
  • appreciable

adj modest


  • modest
  • small-scale
  • humble
  • unpretentious
  • small-time


  • grand
  • large-scale

adj soft


  • soft
  • low
  • quiet
  • inaudible
  • low-pitched
  • noiseless

adj foolish


  • foolish
  • uncomfortable
  • humiliated
  • crushed
  • stupid
  • ashamed
  • deflated
  • mortified

adj meagre


  • meagre
  • inadequate
  • insufficient
  • scant
  • measly
  • scanty
  • limited
  • inconsiderable


  • substantial
  • generous
  • ample
  • considerable

Synonyms for small

adj notably below average in amount, size, or scope


  • bantam
  • little
  • petite
  • smallish

adj contemptibly unimportant


  • inconsiderable
  • negligible
  • niggling
  • nugatory
  • paltry
  • petty
  • picayune
  • piddling
  • small-minded
  • trifling
  • measly

adj below another in standing or importance


  • inferior
  • junior
  • lesser
  • low
  • lower
  • minor
  • minor-league
  • petty
  • secondary
  • subaltern
  • subordinate
  • under
  • smalltime

adj not yet large in size because of incomplete growth


  • little

adj not broad or elevated in scope or understanding


  • limited
  • little
  • narrow
  • narrow-minded
  • petty
  • small-minded

adj not irritating, strident, or loud


  • hushed
  • low
  • low-key
  • low-keyed
  • quiet
  • soft
  • subdued
  • whispery

Synonyms for small

noun the slender part of the back

Related Words

  • body part
  • back
  • dorsum

noun a garment size for a small person

Related Words

  • size

adj limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent


  • little


  • big
  • large

adj limited in size or scope


  • pocket-size
  • pocket-sized
  • small-scale
  • modest
  • minor

Related Words

  • limited

adj (of children and animals) young, immature


  • little

Related Words

  • young
  • immature

adj slight or limited

Related Words

  • archaicism
  • archaism
  • slight
  • little

adj low or inferior in station or quality


  • humble
  • lowly
  • modest
  • low

Related Words

  • inferior

adj lowercase


  • minuscule
  • little

Related Words

  • lowercase

adj (of a voice) faint


  • little

Related Words

  • soft

adj have fine or very small constituent particles

Related Words

  • fine

adj not large but sufficient in size or amount


  • modest

Related Words

  • moderate

adj made to seem smaller or less (especially in worth)


  • belittled
  • diminished

Related Words

  • decreased
  • reduced

adv on a small scale


  • big




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