

单词 pas



abbr. para-aminosalicylic acid


P0000700 (pä)n. pl. pas (pä) 1. A step or dance.2. The right to go before; precedence.
[French, from Old French, from Latin passus, step; see pace1.]


(pɑː; French ) n, pl pas (pɑːz; French ) 1. (Ballet) a dance step or movement, esp in ballet2. rare the right to precede; precedence[C18: French, literally: step]


abbreviation for (Medicine) physician-assisted suicide: a practice in which a terminally-ill person requests a medical practitioner to administer a lethal dose of medication



n., pl. pas (pɑ, pɑz) 1. a step or series of steps in ballet. 2. right of precedence. [1695–1705; < French < Latin passus. See pace1]


(step) A complete leg movement walking or dancing, also a solo or a dance for a certain number as pas de seul (one), de deux (two), de trois (three), de quatre (four).
Noun1.pas - (ballet) a step in dancing (especially in classical ballet)pas - (ballet) a step in dancing (especially in classical ballet)step - the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down; "he walked with unsteady steps"ballet, concert dance - a theatrical representation of a story that is performed to music by trained dancers


faux pas

An embarrassing blunder or breach of proper etiquette, often made in front of other people. Daria didn't realize she had made such a faux pas when she went to use her salad fork to eat the main course.See also: faux, pas

(make/commit) a ˌfaux ˈpas

(from French) an action or a remark that causes embarrassment because it is not socially correct: I immediately made a faux pas when I forgot to take my shoes off before I went into the house.They were kind enough to overlook my faux pas and continued as if nothing had happened.The meaning of the French expression is ‘wrong step’.See also: faux, pas



(pharmacology) para-aminosalicylic acid (spectroscopy) photoacoustic spectroscopy



(para-aminosalicylic acid), an antituberculous agent. Sometimes PAS is supplied as its sodium salt, sodium 4-amino-2-hydroxybenzoate. It is taken internally in powder and tablet form or intravenously in solution.



a term used in ballet and ballroom dancing.

(1) A dance step (shortened from the French pas de dansé) that is analogous to the vystupka or prokhodka in Russian dance; rhythmic movement, a step with a specified positioning of the legs. The majority are taken from folk dances.

(2) A combination of dance steps distributed over a certain quantity of measures of music and also over the entire dance number in a ballet. In this meaning, the term pas entered ballet as part of the name of a dance in ballet performed by one, two, three, or more persons, for example, the pas de deux, pas de trois, or pas d’action. The term also came to be used in ballroom dance, for example, pas de patineur, pas de quatre, or pas de grâce.

(3) In colloquial Russian, any dance movement.


(Process Automation System) A process control system that uses a network to interconnect sensors, controllers, operator terminals and actuators. A PAS is based on open standards in contrast to a DCS (distributed control system), which is traditionally proprietary. See DCS.


p-aminosalicylic acid

 (PAS) (PASA) [ah-me″no-sal-ĭ-sil´ik] an analogue of p-aminobenzoic acid that inhibits folic acid synthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, used in the treatment of tuberculosis, administered orally. In pharmacy it is officially called aminosalicylic acid. It enhances the potency of streptomycin and delays the development of bacilli resistant to streptomycin. Gastrointestinal irritation accompanied by anorexia, nausea, and vomiting may be reduced by administering the drug with food at mealtime.


Abbreviation for p-aminosalicylic acid; periodic acid-Schiff stain; physician-assisted suicide.


abbr. para-aminosalicylic acid


Abbreviation for:
Parent Attitude Scale
parental alienation syndrome
patient accounting system
Patient Administration System (Medpeak-UK)
para-aminosalicylic acid
Performance Appraisal System
periodic acid-Schiff (stain)
Personality Assessment Scale
physician-assisted suicide 
Polish Amiodarone Study
positron annihilation spectroscopy
post-abortion syndrome
posterior airway space
primary antiphospholipid syndrome
problem-appraisal scales
progressive accumulated stress
public address system
pulmonary artery stenosis


1. Periodic acid-Schiff–stain, see there.2. Para-aminosalicylic acid.3. Pulmonary artery stenosis.


Abbreviation for periodic acid-Schiff stain.


PASPower Assisted Steering
PASPasadena (Amtrak station code; Pasadena, CA)
PASPediatric Academic Societies
PASParental Alienation Syndrome
PASPublicly Available Specification
PASPhysician Assisted Suicide
PASPascagoula (Amtrak station code; Pascagoula, MS)
PASParti Islam Se-Malaysia (Islamic Party of Malaysia)
PASPeriodic Acid-Schiff (medical technology: stain used to detect carbohydrates in tissue)
PASProfessional Advisory Services (various companies)
PASPercussive Arts Society
PASPhotoacoustic Spectroscopy
PASPlanning Advisory Service (UK)
PASPersonal de Administración y Servicios (Spanish)
PASProgressive Activity Sedan (Bavarian Motor Works)
PASPark Avenue Securities (various locations)
PASPoint and Shoot (camera)
PASPartial Attribute Set (Microsoft)
PASPublic Affairs Section
PASPersonal Alarm System (ultrasonic emergency notification)
PASPara-Amino-Salicylic Acid
PASPost-Approval Study (various organizations)
PASPlanning and Scheduling
PASPerris Auto Speedway (Perris, CA)
PASPerformance Auto & Sound (magazine)
PASProtein A Sepharose (microbiology)
PASPro Audio Spectrum (sound card)
PASPromoting Academic Success (program)
PASPublic Address System
PASPaired Associative Stimulation (paradigm)
PASProfessional Audio System
PASProfessional Accounting Solutions (Rockville, MD)
PASPolish Academy of Sciences
PASParenting after Separation (various organizations)
PASPatient Administration System (hospitals)
PASPost-Abortion Syndrome
PASPeople Are Stupid
PASPublic Art Studies
PASPhone Activity Status
PASPerformance Algorithm Shifting
PASProtected Areas
PASProcess Analysis Server
PASPower Active Steering
PASPublic Announcement Service
PASParking Assist System
PASPro Audio Spectrum
PASPdf Automation Server
PASProgressive Activity Sedan
PASProcess Automation System
PASPersonal Access System
PASPersistent Application System
PASPsychology, Anthropology and Sociology (University of Waterloo; Canada)
PASPascal Source Code (File Name Extension)
PASPortfolio Advisory Service (Fidelity)
PASPerforming Arts School
PASPrograms, Activities and Services (various organizations)
PASPatient Access Solutions (Hauppauge, NY)
PASProfessional Animal Scientist
PASParis Airshow
PASPreliminary Alcohol Screening
PASPublic Accountability Statement (corporate responsibility)
PASParadise Arcade Shop (game parts dealer)
PASPortable Antiquities Scheme (UK)
PASProsperity Automated System (marketing system)
PASPershing Advisor Solutions (various locations)
PASPriorities Action Statement (Australia)
PASPersonal Assistant Services (disabled and mature community)
PASPartido Alianza Social (Spanish: Social Alliance Party, Mexico)
PASProcess Automation Systems
PASProfessional Activity Study
PASProtected Areas Strategy (forestry industry)
PASPeripheral Anterior Synechiae
PASPassive Alcohol Sensor
PASPositron Annihilation Spectroscopy
PASPrivacy Act Statement
PASProvoked A Smile
PASPerformance Assessment System
PASProject Assessment Survey
PASPublic Access System
PASProgram Advisory Services
PASPhilanthropic Advisory Service (now part of Wise Giving Alliance)
PASPrograma de Acción Social (Spanish: Social Action Program)
PASPakistan Academy of Sciences
PASProfile Alignment System
PASPerformance Accountability System
PASPerformance Algorithm Shifting (Cadillac automotive transmission technology)
PASPlanning Assistance to States
PASPersonal Amplification System
PASProfessor of Aerospace Studies
PASPhytosanitary Alert System (pest information)
PASPhysics Academic Software
PASPennsylvania Abolitionist Society (est. 1775)
PASPower Available Spindle
PASPortland Audubon Society
PASPre-Award Survey
PASPollution Abatement System
PASPopulation Analysis Spreadsheets
PASProteggere Avvertire Soccorrere (Italian: Protect Alert Rescue)
PASPhotoacoustic Spectrometer/Spectroscopy
PASPhoenix Astronomical Society
PASProud Arabian Stallion (Breyer mold)
PASPower Azimuth Spectrum
PASPlott Advanced Systems (Huntsville, AL)
PASPayMatters Accountancy Services (UK)
PASParos, Greece - Paros Community (Airport Code)
PASPersonality Assessment Screener (behavioral health)
PASPersonnel Accounting Symbol
PASPhotonics Association Singapore
PASPierce-Arrow Society
PASParanormal Awareness Society
PASPrivilege Attribute Server
PASPersonnel Accounting System (USMC)
PASPersonnel Access System
PASPartitioned Annotations of Software (web-based sharing environment)
PASProduction Application Support
PASPilot Alert System
PASPrimary Alerting System
PASPersonnel Automation Section
PASPersonal Alert System
PASProtected Aircraft Shelter
PASPseudo Aircraft Simulation
PASPhysicians for Automotive Safety
PASPersonal Accounting System
PASPresidential Airlift Squadron
PASProduct Assessment Service
PASPower Amplifier Symposium (IEEE)
PASPharmacy Analytical Services
PASProduct Attribute System (NRF)
PASPassive and Active Gas-Liquid Separator Devices
PASPage Author Stupid (web design)
PASPersonal Access Services (Bellcore)
PASPilotage Application System
PASProduct of Ambulatory Surgery
PASPublicly Approved Submitter
PASNational Postsecondary Agricultural Students Organization (Indianapolis, IN)
PASPush Application Server (BackWeb Technologies)
PASPartia Agrare e Shqipërisë (Agrarian Party of Albania)
PASPrimary Accounting System (US Department of Education)
PASPhilippine Academy of Sakya
PASPrecision Acquisition System
PASPhased Announcement System (4ESS)
PASPresidential Arts Scholarship
PASPolicyholder and Agency Systems (insurance)
PASPanic Attack Syndrome
PASPricing Advisor System (insurance)
PASProject Acquisition Strategy
PASPresidential Appointee in a Position Requiring Senate Confirmation (federal government ethics)
PASPremises Appear Secure
PASPod Aft Section
PASPosition Announcement System (Sprint)
PASProvider Access Switch
PASPipeline Alignment Sheet
PASPhysical Attractiveness Stereotyping (psychology)
PASPresence and Availability Server
PASPassive Ambiguity Surface
PASPropuesta de Acuerdos de Seguridad (Spanish: Proposed Resolutions Security)
PASPar Asset Swap


  • noun

Words related to pas

noun (ballet) a step in dancing (especially in classical ballet)

Related Words

  • step
  • ballet
  • concert dance




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