Prausnitz-Küstner reaction

Prausnitz-Küstner reaction

 [prowz´nits kēst´ner] an hypersensitivity" >immediate hypersensitivity reaction produced in a nonatopic subject by intradermal injection of serum from an atopic subject followed 12 or more hours later by an injection of antigen. Formerly the standard method of demonstrating reaginic antibody, this test is no longer used because of the risk of transmitting serum hepatitis and because serum immunoglobulin E can now be measured by in vitro assays.

Praus·nitz-Küst·ner re·ac·tion

(prows'nits kist'nĕr), a test for the presence of immediate hypersensitivity in humans; test serum from an atopic individual is injected intradermally into a normal subject; the normal subject is challenged 24-48 hours later with the antigen suspected of causing the immediate hypersensitivity reaction in the atopic subject, usually in the form of a wheal flare. (Note: P-K tests are no longer performed because of risk of transmitting disease.) Synonym(s): P-K test

Prausnitz-Küstner reaction

(prows′nĭts-kĭst′nĕr) [Carl Willi Prausnitz, Ger. bacteriologist, 1876–1963; Heinz Küstner, Ger. gynecologist, 1897–1963] The intracutaneous injection of a hypersensitive patient's serum into a nonallergic person followed, 24 to 48 hr later, by the application of the suspected antigen to the injection site. If a wheal and flare occur, there is evidence that the suspected antigen is causing the hypersensitivity. Because of the danger of transmitting viral hepatitis and AIDS, this test is no longer used.


Heinz, German gynecologist, 1897–. Küstner sutureKüstner uterine tenaculum forcepsPrausnitz-Küstner antibody - see under PrausnitzPrausnitz-Küstner reaction - see under Prausnitzreversed Prausnitz-Küstner reaction - see under Prausnitz


Otto Carl W., German hygienist, 1876-1963. Prausnitz-Küstner antibody - one of the IgE class of antibodies first demonstrated by passive transfer to the skin. Synonym(s): atopic reaginPrausnitz-Küstner reaction - formerly the standard method of demonstrating IGEreversed Prausnitz-Küstner reaction - the appearance of an urticarial reaction at the site of injection when serum containing reaginic antibody is injected into the skin of a person in whom the allergen is already present.