Aboriginal Cattle

Aboriginal Cattle


indigenous cattle of a certain region or country, not subject to crossing with other breeds, well adapted to local climatic and husbandry conditions, and marked by their own particular features. For example, the Yakut cattle are well adapted to the harsh climate and local feeds of the far north and produce a very fatty milk (5–6 percent fat). Caucasian cattle are well adapted to the conditions of alpine pastures, but are small in size. The weight of each cow is 150–250 kg. The Central Asian zebulike cattle tolerate the hot, dry climate well and are resistant to blood-parasite diseases. The productivity of aboriginal cattle is usually low. On the basis of aboriginal cattle, however, highly productive dairy cattle breeds have been developed, including the Kholmogor and Yaroslavl and beef breeds such as the Kalmyk. Indigenous breeds of sheep, horses, and other animals are also called aboriginal.


Rukovodstvo po Razvedeniiu Zhivotnykh, vol. 3, book 1. Moscow, 1965. (Translated from German.)