vesicular mole

3 mole

(mol) [L. moles, a shapeless mass] A uterine mass arising from a poorly developed or degenerating ovum.

blood mole

A mass made up of blood clots, membranes, and placenta, retained after fetal death.

Breus mole

See: Breus mole

carneous mole

A uterine mass that consists of clotted blood and remnants of the placenta and fetal membranes. It may be retained in the uterus for many months after a miscarriage or missed abortion. Synonym: fleshy mole

false mole

A mole formed from a uterine tumor or polypus.

fleshy mole

Carneous mole.

hydatid mole

A rare form of gestational trophoblastic disease in which there is overproduction of chorionic villi normally destined to develop into the placenta. A partial mole is characterized by an abnormal placenta and some fetal development; a complete mole, by an abnormal placenta and no fetal development. Complete and partial moles differ in karyotype. Complete moles show an absence of maternal chromosomes and a duplication of spermatozoal chromosomes. Partial moles exhibit either karyotype 69 XXY or karyotype 69 XYY due to the presence of the maternal X chromosome. Symptoms of molar pregnancy may include abnormal uterine growth (usually increased), nausea and vomiting, vaginal bleeding, and high blood pressure. Diagnosis is made by measuring serum human chorionic gonadotropin levels and ultrasonography, and definitive treatment is complete surgical removal of the mole, usually with curettage. Moles that are not removed may become malignant. Eighty percent of all moles are benign. See: gestational trophoblastic disease

stone mole

A fleshy mole that has undergone calcific degeneration in the uterus.

true mole

A mole representing the degenerated embryo or fetus.

vesicular mole

Hydatid mole.