

单词 sro



abbr.1. single room occupancy2. standing room only


abbreviation for 1. standing room only 2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Brit Statutory Rules and Orders 3. (Commerce) self-regulatory organization


1. single-room occupancy. 2. standing room only.



Abbreviation for:
Senior Responsible Owner, see there 
shortest region of overlap
single-room occupancy
State Review Officer


Self-regulatory organization (SRO)

Organizations that enforce fair, ethical, and efficient practices in the securities and commodity futures industries, including all national securities and commodities exchanges and the NASD.

Self-Regulatory Organization

A professional organization, unaffiliated with a government, having certain, limited regulatory authority over members. An example is the American Dental Association, which has the ability to set standards and enforce discipline over dentists in the United States. In trading, most exchanges are self-regulatory organizations, as are trading-related professional organizations. SROs assist the SEC and government regulators in the maintenance of operating standards and the arbitration of disputes. See also: SICA.


See self-regulatory organization.

Self-regulatory organization (SRO).

All securities and commodities exchanges in the United States are self-regulatory organizations (SROs), as is NASD.

These bodies establish the standards under which their members conduct business, monitor the way that business is conducted, and enforce their own rules.

For example, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) requires that client orders delivered to the floor of the exchange be filled before orders that originate with traders on the floor, who buy and sell for their own accounts.






See single-room occupancy.


SROStanding Room Only
SROSelf Regulatory Organization
SROSilkroad Online (game)
SROState Revenue Office (Australia)
SROSchool Resource Officer
SROSingle Room Occupancy (hotels)
SROSocorro (Amtrak station code; Socorro, NM)
SROScientific Research Organisation
SROSelf-Regulating Organization
SROSleep Research Online
SROSenior Reactor Operator
SROSharable and Read Only
SROSenior Responsible Officer
SROSaudi Railways Organization (Saudi Arabia)
SROStudent Records Office (various schools)
SROSenior Ranking Officer
SROSavannah River Operations
SROSponsored Research Office (various universities)
SROSoutheast Regional Office (various organizations)
SROSurface Readout
SROState and Regional Organization (various organizations)
SROService Repair Order
SROSpecial Revenue Other (various locations)
SROService Request Order
SROState Review Officer
SROSenior Responsible Owners (UK)
SROSurvey Research Office (University of Illinois at Springfield)
SROSpecial Report Online
SROShared Residence Order
SROSold Right Out
SROStorm Riders Online (gaming)
SROSupervisor Range Operations (US NASA)
SROSpecial Resource Officer (various locations)
SROSolutés de Réhydratation Orale (French: Oral Rehydration Solution)
SROSeismic Research Observatory(ies)
SROStatic Return to Off (vehicle controls)
SROSystems Review Office
SROSouthern Desert of Ro (Everquest)
SROSensitive Reconnaissance Operations
SROScottish Recorder Orchestra (UK)
SROShipping Registration Office
SROShutdown Reactor Operator (US Navy submarine watchstation)
SROSuisse Romande Orchestra
SROStanding Route Order
SROShop Repair Order
SROStation Reception Officer (UK)
SROStatutory Restraining Order
SROStrategic Research Objective (Army)
SROStade Rodez Omnisports (French: Rodez Omnisports Stadium; France)
SROStade Rennais Online
SROSolder Resist Opening (semiconductor manufacturing)
SROStock Record Officer
SROSharable & Read Only
SROStatutory Regulation Order (UK)
SROSurveillance Régionale des Odeurs (French: Regional Monitoring Odors)
SROSustainment Replenishment Operations
SROSpolocnost s rucením obmedzeným (Slovakia: limited company)
SROSpecification Release Order
SROStation Routine Orders (UK Royal Air Force)
SROSouthern Reservations Office
SROSystem Readiness Objective
SROSleeping Rooms Only
SROSiqueiros, Rivera, Orozco (Mexican muralists)
SROSlack per Remaining Operation
SROSecurity Response Option
SROSocial Reform Officer (Church of Scientology)
SROSISTAZ Reaching Out (Bridgeport, CT)
SROSolutions Reselling Organization
SROSurveillance, Reconnaissance, and Observation
SROSerious Replies Only
SROService de Radiobiologie et d'Oncologie (French: Radiobiology and Oncology Service)




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