

单词 srp



[¦es¦är′pē] (cell and molecular biology) signal-recognition particle


A data link layer protocol.


(Suggested Retail Price) See MSRP.



Abbreviation for signal recognition particle.


SRPSuggested Retail Price
SRPSalt River Project (utility company)
SRPSummer Reading Program (various locations)
SRPSignal Recognition Particle
SRPSearch Results Page
SRPSingle Responsibility Principle (object oriented programming)
SRPSoluble Reactive Phosphorus
SRPScaling and Root Planing (dental procedure)
SRPSam Rainsy Party (Cambodia)
SRPScience Research Program (Singapore)
SRPSeparation and Purification (vaccines)
SRPSession Request Protocol (OTG)
SRPShelf Ready Packaging
SRPSpatial Reuse Protocol
SRPSoftware Restriction Policy
SRPSimple Registrar Protocol
SRPSystem for Restraint and Protection
SRPSecure Remote Password
SRPSource Routing Protocol
SRPSecure Resource Partitions
SRPScsi Rdma Protocol
SRPSysteme Renault Pour Protection
SRPSecurity Rollup Package
SRPSpecialized Resource Report
SRPSoftware Rapid Prototype
SRPSampling Rotational Program
SRPScript File
SRPSystem Restore Point
SRPStandard Retail Price
SRPSpatial Reuse Protocol (Cisco)
SRPService Resource Planning
SRPScientific Review Panel
SRPSecurity Rollup Package (Microsoft)
SRPSociety for Research in Psychopathology (est. 1985; Ithaca, NY)
SRPSwitch Route Processor
SRPStratégie de Réduction de La Pauvreté (French: Strategy for Poverty Reduction; various organizations)
SRPSoldier Readiness Processing
SRPSociety for Radiological Protection (UK)
SRPService Release Premium
SRPShanghai Restoration Project (band)
SRPStrategic Research Plan (various organizations)
SRPShareholder Rights Plan (corporations)
SRPSoftware Restriction Policy (Microsoft)
SRPSystematic Review Process (revision)
SRPStanford Research Park (California; est. 1951)
SRPSociety of Recorder Players (UK)
SRPSchool Readiness Program
SRPStream Restoration Project (North Carolina)
SRPSoldier Readiness Program
SRPSeismic Retrofit Program (bridges; California)
SRPShort Range Plan
SRPSupplemental Retirement Program (various organizations)
SRPStructural Reform Program (various locations)
SRPScientific Research Permit (US NOAA)
SRPSubstantial Research Paper (education)
SRPStatutory Redundancy Pay
SRPSocial Responsibility Policy (various organizations)
SRPSCSI Remote Protocol (InfiniBand)
SRPState Reserve Police
SRPStandard Review Plan
SRPSelected Reference Point (aviation)
SRPService Related Problem
SRPState Registered Physiotherapist (UK)
SRPSijil Rendah Pelajaran (Malaysia education)
SRPSurgical Reversal of Presbyopia
SRPSeaward Recovery Point (US DoD)
SRPSpecial Recreation Permit (Bureau of Land Management; US DOI)
SRPSummer Residential Program (various schools)
SRPSpreading Resistance Profiling
SRPScholarship and Recognition Programs
SRPSealift Reserve Program (US DoD)
SRPSenior Review Panel (various organizations)
SRPSocially Responsible Procurement
SRPStrategic Regional Plan (various organizations)
SRPSeat Reference Point
SRPSamoobrona Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Polish: Polish Republic Self-Defense)
SRPShip Risk Profile (ship inspection)
SRPSystem for Restraint and Protection (Renault)
SRPSecure Remote Passwords (protocol)
SRPStream Reservation Protocol (Ethernet protocol enhancement)
SRPSchuylkill River Park (Philadelphia, PA)
SRPStack Resource Policy
SRPSchizophrenia Research Program (University of Cincinnati; Cincinnati, OH)
SRPSucker Rod Pump
SRPSeabird Restoration Program (National Audubon Society)
SRPSealift Readiness Program
SRPSpecial Review Procedure (environment)
SRPSleep-Related Problem
SRPSingle Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) Reconnaissance Plan (US DoD)
SRPScan Reflectance Profile
SRPSustained Readiness Program
SRPSuperior Radiant Products (Ontario, Canada)
SRPStudieretningsprojekt (Danish high schools)
SRPSpill Response Plan
SRPStudent Representative Program (Canada)
SRPShip/Submarine Recycling Program
SRPSelf-Reliance Program (various locations)
SRPService de La Recherche et de La Prospective (French: Research and Foresight Service; est. 2007)
SRPSoftware Reuse Program
SRPStockpile Reliability Program (Assess reliability and service life of tactical missile stockpile)
SRPStreet Reconstruction Plan (Minnesota)
SRPSelective Reenlistment Program
SRPSyndicat des Résidents de Paris
SRPSuper Resin Polish (Autoglym)
SRPStrain Range Partitioning
SRPSocijalisticka Radnicka Partija Hrvatske (Socialist Workers Party of Croatia)
SRPStrategic Re-Engineering Program (investment banking)
SRPServer Relay Protocol
SRPSilk Road Project
SRPStrategic Reference Point
SRPStandard Repair Procedure
SRPSpares and Repair Parts
SRPSpinal Reflex Potentiation (biology)
SRPServer Router Protocol (BlackBerry)
SRPStacja Redukcyjno-Pomiarowa (Polish: Gas Pressure Reduction Station)
SRPService Request Processor
SRPSection Roazhon Pariz
SRPSulphate Removal Plant
SRPSpreading Resistance Profilometry
SRPSpace Radiation Project (NASA)
SRPStandard Reference Point
SRPSafeguard Readiness Posture
SRPServer Requester Protocol
SRPStream Reassembly Processor
SRPSoftware Rapid Prototypes
SRPService Request Packet
SRPSensor Reporting Post
SRPScheduled Region Pre-Fetching
SRPShared Resource Processor
SRPSegment Receivers PLA (Plain Language Address)
SRPSub-Rate Processor
SRPSCSI (Small Computer System Interface) RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) Protocol
SRPSpace Station Review Panel (NASA)
SRPSingle Rotating Propeller
SRPStern Reference Point
SRPSystems Review Program
SRPSpecial Repair Procedure
SRPSavanna River Plant
SRPSwitching Rate Protection (Tadiran)
SRPScalable Resource Protocol
SRPStephen Randall Photography (UK)
SRPStrategic Readiness Panel
SRPSignificant Relevant Point (exams)
SRPSynchronous Reactive Programming (computer programming paradigm)




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