Acronym | Definition |
SRP➣Suggested Retail Price |
SRP➣Salt River Project (utility company) |
SRP➣Summer Reading Program (various locations) |
SRP➣Signal Recognition Particle |
SRP➣Search Results Page |
SRP➣Single Responsibility Principle (object oriented programming) |
SRP➣Soluble Reactive Phosphorus |
SRP➣Scaling and Root Planing (dental procedure) |
SRP➣Sam Rainsy Party (Cambodia) |
SRP➣Science Research Program (Singapore) |
SRP➣Separation and Purification (vaccines) |
SRP➣Session Request Protocol (OTG) |
SRP➣Shelf Ready Packaging |
SRP➣Spatial Reuse Protocol |
SRP➣Software Restriction Policy |
SRP➣Simple Registrar Protocol |
SRP➣System for Restraint and Protection |
SRP➣Secure Remote Password |
SRP➣Source Routing Protocol |
SRP➣Secure Resource Partitions |
SRP➣Scsi Rdma Protocol |
SRP➣Systeme Renault Pour Protection |
SRP➣Security Rollup Package |
SRP➣Specialized Resource Report |
SRP➣Software Rapid Prototype |
SRP➣Sampling Rotational Program |
SRP➣Script File |
SRP➣System Restore Point |
SRP➣Standard Retail Price |
SRP➣Spatial Reuse Protocol (Cisco) |
SRP➣Service Resource Planning |
SRP➣Scientific Review Panel |
SRP➣Security Rollup Package (Microsoft) |
SRP➣Society for Research in Psychopathology (est. 1985; Ithaca, NY) |
SRP➣Switch Route Processor |
SRP➣Stratégie de Réduction de La Pauvreté (French: Strategy for Poverty Reduction; various organizations) |
SRP➣Soldier Readiness Processing |
SRP➣Society for Radiological Protection (UK) |
SRP➣Service Release Premium |
SRP➣Shanghai Restoration Project (band) |
SRP➣Strategic Research Plan (various organizations) |
SRP➣Shareholder Rights Plan (corporations) |
SRP➣Software Restriction Policy (Microsoft) |
SRP➣Systematic Review Process (revision) |
SRP➣Septorhinoplasty |
SRP➣Stanford Research Park (California; est. 1951) |
SRP➣Society of Recorder Players (UK) |
SRP➣School Readiness Program |
SRP➣Stream Restoration Project (North Carolina) |
SRP➣Soldier Readiness Program |
SRP➣Seismic Retrofit Program (bridges; California) |
SRP➣Short Range Plan |
SRP➣Supplemental Retirement Program (various organizations) |
SRP➣Structural Reform Program (various locations) |
SRP➣Scientific Research Permit (US NOAA) |
SRP➣Substantial Research Paper (education) |
SRP➣Statutory Redundancy Pay |
SRP➣Social Responsibility Policy (various organizations) |
SRP➣SCSI Remote Protocol (InfiniBand) |
SRP➣State Reserve Police |
SRP➣Standard Review Plan |
SRP➣Selected Reference Point (aviation) |
SRP➣Service Related Problem |
SRP➣State Registered Physiotherapist (UK) |
SRP➣Sijil Rendah Pelajaran (Malaysia education) |
SRP➣Surgical Reversal of Presbyopia |
SRP➣Seaward Recovery Point (US DoD) |
SRP➣Special Recreation Permit (Bureau of Land Management; US DOI) |
SRP➣Summer Residential Program (various schools) |
SRP➣Spreading Resistance Profiling |
SRP➣Scholarship and Recognition Programs |
SRP➣Sealift Reserve Program (US DoD) |
SRP➣Senior Review Panel (various organizations) |
SRP➣Socially Responsible Procurement |
SRP➣Strategic Regional Plan (various organizations) |
SRP➣Seat Reference Point |
SRP➣Samoobrona Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Polish: Polish Republic Self-Defense) |
SRP➣Ship Risk Profile (ship inspection) |
SRP➣System for Restraint and Protection (Renault) |
SRP➣Secure Remote Passwords (protocol) |
SRP➣Stream Reservation Protocol (Ethernet protocol enhancement) |
SRP➣Schuylkill River Park (Philadelphia, PA) |
SRP➣Stack Resource Policy |
SRP➣Schizophrenia Research Program (University of Cincinnati; Cincinnati, OH) |
SRP➣Sucker Rod Pump |
SRP➣Seabird Restoration Program (National Audubon Society) |
SRP➣Sealift Readiness Program |
SRP➣Special Review Procedure (environment) |
SRP➣Sleep-Related Problem |
SRP➣Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) Reconnaissance Plan (US DoD) |
SRP➣Scan Reflectance Profile |
SRP➣Sustained Readiness Program |
SRP➣Superior Radiant Products (Ontario, Canada) |
SRP➣Studieretningsprojekt (Danish high schools) |
SRP➣Spill Response Plan |
SRP➣Student Representative Program (Canada) |
SRP➣Ship/Submarine Recycling Program |
SRP➣Self-Reliance Program (various locations) |
SRP➣Service de La Recherche et de La Prospective (French: Research and Foresight Service; est. 2007) |
SRP➣Software Reuse Program |
SRP➣Stockpile Reliability Program (Assess reliability and service life of tactical missile stockpile) |
SRP➣Street Reconstruction Plan (Minnesota) |
SRP➣Selective Reenlistment Program |
SRP➣Syndicat des Résidents de Paris |
SRP➣Super Resin Polish (Autoglym) |
SRP➣Strain Range Partitioning |
SRP➣Socijalisticka Radnicka Partija Hrvatske (Socialist Workers Party of Croatia) |
SRP➣Strategic Re-Engineering Program (investment banking) |
SRP➣Server Relay Protocol |
SRP➣Silk Road Project |
SRP➣Strategic Reference Point |
SRP➣Standard Repair Procedure |
SRP➣Spares and Repair Parts |
SRP➣Spinal Reflex Potentiation (biology) |
SRP➣Server Router Protocol (BlackBerry) |
SRP➣Stacja Redukcyjno-Pomiarowa (Polish: Gas Pressure Reduction Station) |
SRP➣Service Request Processor |
SRP➣Section Roazhon Pariz |
SRP➣Sulphate Removal Plant |
SRP➣Spreading Resistance Profilometry |
SRP➣Space Radiation Project (NASA) |
SRP➣Standard Reference Point |
SRP➣Safeguard Readiness Posture |
SRP➣Server Requester Protocol |
SRP➣Stream Reassembly Processor |
SRP➣Software Rapid Prototypes |
SRP➣Service Request Packet |
SRP➣Sensor Reporting Post |
SRP➣Scheduled Region Pre-Fetching |
SRP➣Shared Resource Processor |
SRP➣Segment Receivers PLA (Plain Language Address) |
SRP➣Sub-Rate Processor |
SRP➣SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) Protocol |
SRP➣Space Station Review Panel (NASA) |
SRP➣Single Rotating Propeller |
SRP➣Stern Reference Point |
SRP➣Systems Review Program |
SRP➣Special Repair Procedure |
SRP➣Savanna River Plant |
SRP➣Switching Rate Protection (Tadiran) |
SRP➣Scalable Resource Protocol |
SRP➣Stephen Randall Photography (UK) |
SRP➣Strategic Readiness Panel |
SRP➣Significant Relevant Point (exams) |
SRP➣Synchronous Reactive Programming (computer programming paradigm) |