Rothmund syndrome

Roth·mund syn·drome

(rot'mūnd), atrophy, pigmentation, and telangiectasia of the skin, usually with juvenile cataract, saddle nose, congenital bone defects, disturbance of hair growth, hypogonadism; autosomal recessive inheritance. Synonym(s): poikiloderma atrophicans and cataract, poikiloderma congenitale, Rothmund-Thomson syndrome

Roth·mund syn·drome

(rōt'mūnd sin'drōm) Atrophy, pigmentation, and telangiectasia of the skin, usually with juvenile cataract, saddle nose, congenital bone defects, disturbance of hair growth, hypogonadism; autosomal recessive inheritance.


August von, German physician, 1830-1906. Rothmund syndrome - atrophy, pigmentation, and telangiectasia of the skin, usually with juvenile cataract, saddle nose, congenital bone defects, disturbance of hair growth and hypogonadism. Synonym(s): poikiloderma atrophicans and cataract; poikiloderma congenitale; Rothmund-Thomson syndromeRothmund-Thomson syndrome - Synonym(s): Rothmund syndrome