passive hemagglutination

pas·sive he·mag·glu·ti·na·tion

a kind of passive agglutination in which erythrocytes, usually modified by mild treatment with tannic acid or other chemicals, are used to adsorb soluble antigen onto their surface, and which then agglutinate in the presence of antiserum specific for the adsorbed antigen. Synonym(s): indirect hemagglutination test

pas·sive he·mag·glu·ti·na·tion

(pas'iv hē'mă-glū-ti-nā'shŭn) Agglutination in which erythrocytes, usually modified by treatment with chemicals, adsorb soluble antigen and then agglutinate in the presence of antiserum specific for the adsorbed antigen.
Synonym(s): indirect hemagglutination test.