precentral sulcus

pre·cen·tral sul·cus

[TA] an interrupted fissure anterior to and in general parallel with the central sulcus, marking the anterior border of the precentral gyrus. Synonym(s): sulcus precentralis [TA], sulcus verticalis

pre·cen·tral sul·cus

(prē-sen'trăl sŭl'kŭs) [TA] An interrupted fissure anterior to and in general parallel with the central sulcus, marking the anterior border of the precentral gyrus.

precentral sulcus

The groove that runs down the lateral surface of the frontal lobe of the brain, parallel to the central sulcus. Between the precentral and the central sulci lies the precentral gyrus, which is the primary motor cortex. The precentral sulcus is usually interrupted and not a continuous groove. See also: sulcus