trigeminal rhizotomy

tri·gem·i·nal rhi·zot·o·my

division or section of a sensory root of the fifth cranial nerve, accomplished through a subtemporal (Frazier-Spiller operation), suboccipital (Dandy operation), or transtentorial approach. Synonym(s): retrogasserian neurectomy, retrogasserian neurotomy

trigeminal rhizotomy

n. Division or section of a sensory root of the trigeminal nerve.

tri·gem·i·nal rhi·zot·o·my

(trī-jem'i-năl rī-zot'ŏ-mē) Division or section of a sensory root of the fifth cranial nerve, accomplished through a subtemporal (Frazier-Spiller operation), suboccipital (Dandy operation), or transtentorial approach.