Precipitation Gage

precipitation gage

[prə‚sip·ə′tā·shən ‚gāj] (engineering) Any device that measures the amount of precipitation; principally, a rain gage or snow gage.

Precipitation Gage


(also rain gage), an instrument for measuring liquid and frozen precipitation. The precipitation gage designed by V. D. Tret’iakov consists of a container—40 cm high and with a collecting area of 200 sq cm—to collect precipitation and a protective shield to prevent the catch from being blown away. A precipitation gage is mounted with the collecting area of the container 2 mm above the ground. A graduated cup is used to measure the amount of precipitation in millimeters depth of water; frozen precipitation is measured after melting.


Sternzat, M. S. Meteorologicheskie pribory i nabliudeniia. Leningrad, 1968.