Password and Reply

Password and Reply


secret words established by unit headquarters for each 24-hour period to identify friendly servicemen. The password and reply begin with the same letter. The password is the name of a weapon, piece of combat equipment, or other gear; the response is the name of a populated area—for example, priklad (“buttstock”)—Poltava.

All personnel of the outpost support (posts and guards), sub-units conducting reconnaissance, and daily details are told the password orally. The reply is given in written form to the commanders of the subunits, as well as to persons sent out to transmit orders to them. Members of the daily detail, sentries, and others demand the password from persons passing through the security line and passing by the location of subunits at night. The commanders of subunits on security at bivouac demand the reply from persons who are delivering orders. Persons who do not know the password or who arrive with orders and do not know the reply are detained.