

单词 rough diamond

rough diamond

rough diamond

n 1. (Jewellery) an unpolished diamond 2. an intrinsically trustworthy or good person with uncouth manners or dress


(raf) adjective1. not smooth. Her skin felt rough. 粗糙的 粗糙的2. uneven. a rough path. 崎嶇的 崎岖的3. harsh; unpleasant. a rough voice; She's had a rough time since her husband died. 粗聲的,辛苦的 粗鲁的,艰难的 4. noisy and violent. rough behaviour. 粗野的 粗鲁刺耳的5. stormy. The sea was rough; rough weather. 狂暴的 狂暴的6. not complete or exact; approximate. a rough drawing; a rough idea/estimate. 約略的 粗略的 noun1. a violent bully. a gang of roughs. 暴徒 暴徒2. uneven or uncultivated ground on a golf course. I lost my ball in the rough. 高爾夫球場的起伏地面 高尔夫球场上的障碍区ˈroughly adverb 粗糙地,約略地 粗糙地ˈroughness noun 粗糙 粗糙度ˈroughage (-fidʒ) noun substances in food, eg bran or fibre, which help digestion. 食物中粗糠、纖維等助消化的物質 粗饲料,粗粮 ˈroughen verb to make or become rough. The sea roughened as the wind rose. (使)變粗糙 使...变粗糙rough diamond a person of fine character but rough manners. 舉止粗魯但本質好的人 举止粗鲁但本质好的人ˌrough-and-ˈready adjective1. not carefully made or finished, but good enough. a rough-and-ready meal. 粗製但品質不錯的 粗糙但尚能使用的2. (of people) friendly enough but without politeness etc. 粗魯但友善的(人) 鲁莽但尚顶用的(人) ˌrough-and-ˈtumble noun friendly fighting between children etc. 打打鬧鬧的 乱糟糟的rough it to live for a period of time without the comforts or conveniences of modern life. They roughed it in the jungles for two months. 簡陋過活 将就着过日子,因陋就简地生活 rough out to draw or explain roughly. I roughed out a diagram; He roughed out his plan. 約略畫出或解說 粗粗画出,打草稿

rough diamond

rough diamond

Someone or something that is unrefined but has many exceptional aspects or underlying potential. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. The young actor was a rough diamond. With some training, she'd become a superstar.See also: diamond, rough

a rough diamond

mainly BRITISH or

a diamond in the rough

AMERICAN1. If you call someone, especially a man a rough diamond, you admire their good qualities, even though they are not very polite or well-educated. Note: A rough diamond is a diamond that has not yet been cut and polished. Marden was the rough diamond of the three, feared for his ruthlessness but respected for his First World War Military Cross. I liked Neil Murphy, who is somewhat of a diamond in the rough.2. If you call someone or something a rough diamond, you mean that they have talent or good qualities which are hidden or not well developed and could be developed more. Note: A rough diamond is a diamond that has not yet been cut and polished. British first novels are more likely to be rough diamonds, with flashes of inspiration in an imperfect whole. When I heard this lady sing, I ran to the theater, and I said, `Chick, I found myself a diamond in the rough.'See also: diamond, rough

a rough diamond

a person who has genuinely fine qualities but uncouth manners. informal Literally, a rough diamond is a diamond before it has been cut and polished. A North American variant of this expression is a diamond in the rough .See also: diamond, rough

a ˌrough ˈdiamond

(British English) (American English a ˌdiamond in the ˈrough) a person who has many good qualities even though they do not seem to be very polite, educated, etc: Don’t be put off by your first impressions — he’s something of a rough diamond.A rough diamond is a diamond that has not yet been cut or polished.See also: diamond, rough

diamond in the rough, a

An individual of intrinsic merit but uncultivated manners. The simile comes from mining, where the uncut, unpolished diamond resembles a hunk of worthless rock but may, after processing, be both beautiful and very valuable. John Fletcher’s 1624 play, AWife for a Month, has it, “She is very honest, and will be hard to cut as a rough diamond” (4.2).See also: diamond




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