Pasteurella multocida

Pas·teu·rel·la mul·to·ci·da

a bacterial species that causes fowl cholera and hemorrhagic septicemia in sheep and goats, shipping fever in cattle, bronchopneumonia in swine, and other forms of disease in many warm-blooded animals; may infect dog or cat bites or scratches and cause cellulitis and septicemia in humans, especially those with chronic disease or those who are immunocompromised. Most common pathogen associated with cat and dog bites. Cause of pasteurellosis; of economic importance in rabbits (syn snuffles); in rabbits clinical signs include abscesses, pneumonia, purulent rhinitis, genital, eye or inner ear infections. May be part of the normal flora in cattle, sheep, birds, and other animals. It is the type species of the Pasteurella.

Pas·teu·rel·la mul·to·ci·da

(pas'tūr-el'ă mŭl'tō-sī'dă) A bacterial species that causes fowl cholera and hemorrhagic septicemia in warm-blooded animals and may infect dog or cat bites or scratches and cause cellulitis and septicemia in humans with chronic disease. The most common pathogen associated with cat and dog bites. It is the type species of the genus Pasteurella.

Pasteurella multocida

A species found in the oral cavities of cats, dogs, and other animals. It may be transmitted to humans by animal bites, and may cause cellulitis, abscesses, osteomyelitis, pneumonia, peritonitis, or meningitis. Penicillins, doxycycline, or cephalosporins are used to treat the infection. See also: Pasteurella


Louis, French chemist and bacteriologist, 1822-1895. PasteurellaPasteurella aerogenes - species found in swine that can cause human wound infections following a pig bit.Pasteurella multocida - bacterial species associated with dogs and cats.Pasteurella pestis - Synonym(s): Yersinia pseudotuberculosisPasteurella "SP" - a rarely encountered organism that can cause infection after a guinea pig bitePasteurella tularensis - Synonym(s): Francisella tularensisPasteur effect - the inhibition of fermentation by oxygen, first observed by Pasteur.Pasteur pipette - a cotton-plugged, glass tube drawn out to a fine tip, used for the sterile transfer of small volumes of fluid.Pasteur vaccinepasteurellosis - infection with bacteria of Pasteurella.pasteurization - bacteria destruction process.pasteurizer - pasteurization apparatus.