Acronym | Definition |
RATS➣Rage against the System |
RATS➣Research and Technology Studies (US NASA) |
RATS➣Rough Auditing Tool for Security (software) |
RATS➣Request for Answer to Select (telecommunications) |
RATS➣Regression Analysis of Time Series (Estima Software) |
RATS➣Radio-Amateur Telecommunications Society |
RATS➣Regional Anti Terrorism Structure (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) |
RATS➣Redwood Action Team at Stanford |
RATS➣Radio Amateur Transmitting Society (Nashville, TN, USA) |
RATS➣Radio Astronomy Team |
RATS➣Robot Anti-Terror Squad ( toy) |
RATS➣Risk Associated Trouble Spots |
RATS➣Reengineered Automated Travel System |
RATS➣Required-Arrival-Time Steiner Tree (algorithm) |
RATS➣Rapid Area Transportation Support |
RATS➣Regression-Across-Time-and-Securities (finance) |
RATS➣Radar Altimeter Target Simulator |
RATS➣Remote Access Terminal Server |
RATS➣Random Access Timeslot |
RATS➣Range Automated Tasking System (US Air Force) |
RATS➣Radar Acquisition & Tracking System |
RATS➣Repeater Automated Test System |
RATS➣Regulatory Automated Tools System (US Army Corps) |
RATS➣Relocatable Automated Targeting System |
RATS➣Roll Axis Tracking System |
RATS➣Returned Aircraft to Service |