释义 |
round 1 R0320700 (round)adj. round·er, round·est 1. a. Being such that every part of the surface or the circumference is equidistant from the center: a round ball.b. Moving in or forming a circle.c. Shaped like a cylinder; cylindrical.d. Rather rounded in shape: the child's round face.e. Full in physique; plump: a round figure.2. a. Linguistics Formed or articulated with the lips in a rounded shape: a round vowel.b. Full in tone; sonorous.3. Whole or complete; full: a round dozen.4. a. Mathematics Having been rounded.b. Not exact, especially when expressed as a multiple of 10; approximate: a round estimate.5. Large; considerable: a round sum of money.6. Brought to satisfactory conclusion or completion; finished.7. a. Outspoken; blunt: a round scolding.b. Done with full force; unrestrained: gave me a round thrashing.n.1. a. Something, such as a circle, disk, globe, or ring, that is round.b. A circle formed of various things.c. Movement around a circle or about an axis.2. A rung or crossbar, as one on a ladder or chair.3. A cut of beef from the part of the thigh between the rump and the shank.4. An assembly of people; a group.5. A round dance.6. a. A complete course, succession, or series: a round of parties; a round of negotiations.b. often rounds A course of customary or prescribed actions, duties, or places: physicians' rounds.7. A complete range or extent.8. One drink for each person in a gathering or group: Let me buy the next round.9. A single outburst, as of applause or cheering.10. a. A single shot or volley.b. Ammunition for a single shot or volley.11. A specified number of arrows shot from a specified distance to a target in archery.12. Sports & Games A unit of play that occupies a specified time, constitutes a certain number of plays, or allows each player a turn, especially the 18-hole sequence played in golf or one of the periods in a boxing match.13. Music A composition for two or more voices in which each voice enters at a different time with the same melody.v. round·ed, round·ing, rounds v.tr.1. To make round or curved: rounded his lips in surprise; rounded off the end of the board.2. Linguistics To pronounce with rounded lips; labialize.3. To fill out; make plump.4. To bring to completion or perfection; finish. Often used with out or off: The new dog rounded out our household. The speaker rounded off his lecture with a joke.5. Mathematics To approximate (a real number) by a nearby rational number with a specified level of precision. When rounded to the nearest hundred, 286 becomes 300. When rounded to the nearest tenth, 1.63 becomes 1.6.6. a. To make a turn about or to the other side of: rounded a bend in the road.b. To make a complete circuit of; go or pass around: rounded the entire peninsula.7. Archaic To encompass; surround:v.intr.1. To become round or curved.2. To take a circular course; complete or partially complete a circuit: racecars rounding into the final lap.3. To turn about, as on an axis: rounded and came back across the field.4. To become filled out or plump.5. To develop into satisfactory completion or perfection: is rounding into a fine quarterback.adv.1. In a circular progression or movement; around.2. With revolutions: wheels moving round.3. To a specific place or person: called round for the pastor; sent round for the veterinarian.prep.1. Around.2. From the beginning to the end of; throughout: a plant that grows round the year.Phrasal Verbs: round on To turn on and assail. round up1. To seek out and bring together; gather.2. To herd (cattle) together from various places.Idioms: in the round1. With the stage in the center of the audience.2. Fully shaped so as to stand free of a background: a sculpture in the round. make/go the rounds1. To go from place to place, as on business or for entertainment: a delivery truck making the rounds; students going the rounds in the entertainment district.2. To be communicated or passed from person to person: The news quickly made the rounds. A piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds. [Middle English, from Anglo-Norman rounde, variant of Old French rond, ultimately from Vulgar Latin *retundus, from Latin rotundus; see ret- in Indo-European roots.] round′ness n.
round 2 R0320700 (round)tr.v. round·ed, round·ing, rounds Archaic To whisper. [Middle English rounden, from Old English rūnian, from rūn, a secret.]round (raʊnd) adj1. having a flat circular shape, as a disc or hoop2. having the shape of a sphere or ball3. curved; not angular4. involving or using circular motion5. (prenominal) complete; entire: a round dozen. 6. (Mathematics) maths a. forming or expressed by an integer or whole number, with no fractionb. expressed to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand: in round figures. 7. (Banking & Finance) (of a sum of money) considerable; ample8. fully depicted or developed, as a character in a book9. full and plump: round cheeks. 10. (of sound) full and sonorous11. (of pace) brisk; lively12. (prenominal) (of speech) candid; straightforward; unmodified: a round assertion. 13. (Phonetics & Phonology) (of a vowel) pronounced with rounded lipsn14. a round shape or object15. in full detail16. (Theatre) theatre with the audience all round the stage17. a session, as of a negotiation: a round of talks. 18. a series, cycle, or sequence: a giddy round of parties. 19. the daily round the usual activities of one's day20. a stage of a competition: he was eliminated in the first round. 21. (often plural) a series of calls, esp in a set order: a doctor's rounds; a milkman's round. 22. (Golf) a playing of all the holes on a golf course23. (General Sporting Terms) a single turn of play by each player, as in a card game24. (General Sporting Terms) one of a number of periods constituting a boxing, wrestling, or other match, each usually lasting three minutes25. (Archery) archery a specified number of arrows shot from a specified distance26. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) a single discharge by a number of guns or a single gun27. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) a bullet, blank cartridge, or other charge of ammunition28. a number of drinks bought at one time for a group of people29. (Cookery) a single slice of bread or toast or two slices making a single serving of sandwiches30. a general outburst of applause, cheering, etc31. movement in a circle or around an axis32. (Music, other) music a part song in which the voices follow each other at equal intervals at the same pitch33. (Music, other) a sequence of bells rung in order of treble to tenor. Compare change2934. (Dancing) a dance in which the dancers move in a circle35. (Cookery) a cut of beef from the thigh between the rump and the shank36. go the rounds make the rounds a. to go from place to place, as in making deliveries or social callsb. (of information, rumour, etc) to be passed around, so as to be generally knownprep37. surrounding, encircling, or enclosing: a band round her head. 38. on all or most sides of: to look round one. 39. on or outside the circumference or perimeter of: the stands round the racecourse. 40. situated at various points in: a lot of shelves round the house. 41. from place to place in: driving round Ireland. 42. somewhere in or near: to stay round the house. 43. making a circuit or partial circuit about: the ring road round the town. 44. reached by making a partial circuit about something: the shop round the corner. 45. revolving round a centre or axis: the earth's motion round its axis. 46. so as to have a basis in: the story is built round a good plot. adv47. on all or most sides: the garden is fenced all round; the crowd gathered round. 48. on or outside the circumference or perimeter: the racing track is two miles round. 49. in all directions from a point of reference: he owns the land for ten miles round. 50. to all members of a group: pass the food round. 51. in rotation or revolution: the wheels turn round. 52. by a circuitous route: the road to the farm goes round by the pond. 53. to a specific place: she came round to see me. 54. all year round throughout the year; in every monthvb55. to make or become round56. (tr) to encircle; surround57. to move or cause to move with circular motion: to round a bend. 58. (Phonetics & Phonology) to pronounce (a speech sound) with rounded lips59. to purse (the lips)[C13: from Old French ront, from Latin rotundus round, from rota a wheel] ˈroundness nUsage: See at aroundround1 (raʊnd) adj. round•er, round•est, n., adv., prep., v. adj. 1. having a flat, circular form, as a disk or hoop. 2. curved like part of a circle, as an outline. 3. having a circular cross section, as a cylinder. 4. spherical or globular, as a ball. 5. shaped like part of a sphere; hemispherical. 6. consisting of full, curved lines or shapes, as handwriting or parts of the body. 7. executed with or involving circular motion. 8. full or complete: a round dozen. 9. noting, formed, or expressed by an integer or whole number with no fraction. 10. expressed, given, or exact to the nearest multiple or power of ten: in round numbers. 11. ample: a round sum of money. 12. brought to completeness or perfection. 13. fully delineated or developed, as a character in fiction. 14. full and sonorous, as sound. 15. straightforward, plain, or candid: a round scolding. n. 16. any round shape or object. 17. something circular in cross section, as a rung of a ladder. 18. Sometimes, rounds. a completed course of time, series of events or operations, etc., ending at a point corresponding to that at the beginning. 19. any complete course, series, or succession: a round of talks. 20. Often, rounds. a going around from place to place, as in a habitual circuit: a doctor's rounds. 21. a completed course or spell of activity, commonly one of a series: a round of bridge. 22. a single outburst, as of applause or cheers. 23. a single discharge of shot by each of a number of guns, rifles, etc. 24. a single discharge by one firearm. 25. a charge of ammunition for a single shot. 26. a single serving, esp. of drink, to everyone present. 27. movement in a circle or around an axis. 28. a cut of beef from the thigh, below the rump and above the leg. 29. a short musical canon at the unison, in which the voices enter at equally spaced intervals of time. 30. a specified number of arrows shot from a specified distance from the target in archery. 31. one of a series of three-minute periods making up a boxing match. 32. a playing of a complete golf course. adv. 33. throughout or from the beginning to the end of a recurring period of time: all year round. 34. Also, 'round. around. prep. 35. throughout (a period of time): a resort visited round the year. 36. around: It happened round noon. v.t. 37. to make round. 38. to free from angularity; fill out symmetrically. 39. to bring to completeness or perfection; finish (often fol. by off or out). 40. to make a turn or partial circuit around or to the other side of: to round a corner. 41. to make a complete circuit of; pass completely around. 42. a. to make the opening at (the lips) relatively round or pursed. b. to pronounce (a speech sound, esp. a vowel) with rounded lips. 43. to express as a round number, esp. to replace by the nearest multiple of 10, with 5 being increased to the next highest multiple (often fol. by off): 15,837 can be rounded off to 15,840. 44. to encircle or surround. v.i. 45. to become round, plump, or free from angularity (often fol. by out). 46. to develop to completeness or perfection. 47. to make a turn or a partial or complete circuit around something. 48. to turn around as on an axis: to round on one's heels. 49. to reduce the number of digits to the right of a decimal point by dropping the final digit and adding 1 to the next preceding digit if the digit dropped was 5 or more. 50. round to, to turn a sailing vessel in the direction from which the wind is blowing. 51. round up, a. to drive or bring (cattle, sheep, etc.) together. b. to assemble; gather: to round up all the evidence. Idioms: in the round, a. (of a theater) having a stage completely surrounded by seats for the audience. b. in the style of theater-in-the-round. c. in complete detail; from all aspects. d. (of sculpture) not attached to a supporting background; freestanding. [1250–1300; (adj.) Middle English ro(u)nd < Old French, s. of ront, earlier reont < Vulgar Latin *retundus, for Latin rotundus (see rotund); (n.) Middle English, partly derivative of the adj., partly < Old French rond, ronde (derivative of ront); (v.) Middle English, derivative of the adj.; (adv. and preposition) Middle English, appar. aph. form of around] round′ness, n. round2 (raʊnd) v.t., v.i. Archaic. to whisper. [before 1000; Middle English rounen, Old English rūnian, derivative of rūn a secret, rune1] Round a circle; a group or series of events. See also knot.Examples: round of applause, 1895; of dead bodies, 1620; of columns, 1663; of drinks; of duties; of fauns and satyrs, 1590; of knowledge; of ladyships, 1784; of memories, 1865; of peers, 1728; of pleasures; of politicians, 1711; of stools, 1700; of talks; of toasts; of visits.around round about">about1. talking about movement: 'around', 'round', and 'about' as prepositions or adverbsWhen you are talking about movement in many different directions, you can use around, round, or about. You can use these words as adverbs. It's so romantic up there, flying around in a small plane.We wandered round for hours.Police walk about patrolling the city.You can also use these words as prepositions. I've been walking around Moscow.I spent a couple of hours driving round Richmond.He looked about the room but couldn't see her.Speakers of American English usually use around, rather than 'round' or 'about', in this sense. 2. talking about position: 'around' and 'round' as prepositionsWhen one thing is around or round another thing, it surrounds it or is on all sides of it. In this sense, these words are prepositions. You can't use 'about' in this sense. She was wearing a scarf round her head.He had a towel wrapped around his head.The earth moves round the sun.The satellite passed around the earth.Speakers of American English usually use around, rather than 'round', in this sense. 3. being present or available: 'around' and 'about' as adverbsWhen you are talking about something being generally present or available, you can use around or about, but not 'round', as adverbs. There is a lot of talent around at the moment.There are not that many jobs about.4. 'around' and 'round' used in phrasal verbsYou can also use around or round as the second part of some phrasal verbs, including come (a)round, turn (a)round, look (a)round, and run (a)round. Don't wait for April to come round before planning your vegetable garden.When interview time came around, Rachel was nervous.Imogen got round the problem in a clever way.A problem has developed and I don't know how to get around it.He turned round and faced the window.The old lady turned around angrily.American English uses only around in these cases. 5. 'around', 'about' and 'round about' meaning 'approximately'In conversation, around, about and round about are sometimes used to mean 'approximately'. He owns around 200 acres.She's about twenty years old.I've been here for round about ten years.Be Careful! Don't use 'round' like this. Don't say, for example, 'He owns round 200 acres.' round Past participle: rounded Gerund: rounding
Present |
I round | you round | he/she/it rounds | we round | you round | they round |
Preterite |
I rounded | you rounded | he/she/it rounded | we rounded | you rounded | they rounded |
Present Continuous |
I am rounding | you are rounding | he/she/it is rounding | we are rounding | you are rounding | they are rounding |
Present Perfect |
I have rounded | you have rounded | he/she/it has rounded | we have rounded | you have rounded | they have rounded |
Past Continuous |
I was rounding | you were rounding | he/she/it was rounding | we were rounding | you were rounding | they were rounding |
Past Perfect |
I had rounded | you had rounded | he/she/it had rounded | we had rounded | you had rounded | they had rounded |
Future |
I will round | you will round | he/she/it will round | we will round | you will round | they will round |
Future Perfect |
I will have rounded | you will have rounded | he/she/it will have rounded | we will have rounded | you will have rounded | they will have rounded |
Future Continuous |
I will be rounding | you will be rounding | he/she/it will be rounding | we will be rounding | you will be rounding | they will be rounding |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been rounding | you have been rounding | he/she/it has been rounding | we have been rounding | you have been rounding | they have been rounding |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been rounding | you will have been rounding | he/she/it will have been rounding | we will have been rounding | you will have been rounding | they will have been rounding |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been rounding | you had been rounding | he/she/it had been rounding | we had been rounding | you had been rounding | they had been rounding |
Conditional |
I would round | you would round | he/she/it would round | we would round | you would round | they would round |
Past Conditional |
I would have rounded | you would have rounded | he/she/it would have rounded | we would have rounded | you would have rounded | they would have rounded |
roundOne of several periods of boxing during a bout.ThesaurusNoun | 1. | round - a charge of ammunition for a single shotone shot, unit of ammunitionammo, ammunition - projectiles to be fired from a gun | | 2. | round - an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; "the never-ending cycle of the seasons"cycle, rhythminterval, time interval - a definite length of time marked off by two instantsphase angle, phase - a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle | | 3. | round - a regular route for a sentry or policeman; "in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name"beatitinerary, route, path - an established line of travel or access | | 4. | round - (often plural) a series of professional calls (usually in a set order); "the doctor goes on his rounds first thing every morning"; "the postman's rounds"; "we enjoyed our round of the local bars"call - a visit in an official or professional capacity; "the pastor's calls on his parishioners"; "the salesman's call on a customer"plural, plural form - the form of a word that is used to denote more than one | | 5. | round - the activity of playing 18 holes of golf; "a round of golf takes about 4 hours"round of golfgolf, golf game - a game played on a large open course with 9 or 18 holes; the object is use as few strokes as possible in playing all the holes | | 6. | round - the usual activities in your day; "the doctor made his rounds"daily roundhabitude - habitual mode of behavior | | 7. | round - (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensivebout, turnathletics, sport - an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competitiondivision, section, part - one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division"top of the inning, top - the first half of an inning; while the visiting team is at bat; "a relief pitcher took over in the top of the fifth"bottom of the inning, bottom - the second half of an inning; while the home team is at batperiod of play, playing period, play - (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds; "rain stopped play in the 4th inning" | | 8. | round - the course along which communications spread; "the story is going the rounds in Washington"track, path, course - a line or route along which something travels or moves; "the hurricane demolished houses in its path"; "the track of an animal"; "the course of the river" | | 9. | round - a serving to each of a group (usually alcoholic); "he ordered a second round"round of drinkshelping, serving, portion - an individual quantity of food or drink taken as part of a meal; "the helpings were all small"; "his portion was larger than hers"; "there's enough for two servings each" | | 10. | round - a cut of beef between the rump and the lower legcut of beef - cut of meat from beef cattleround steak - a lean cut of beef from between the rump and the shank | | 11. | round - a partsong in which voices follow each other; one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the song at the same time; "they enjoyed singing rounds"trollpartsong - a song with two or more voice parts | | 12. | round - an outburst of applause; "there was a round of applause"applause, clapping, hand clapping - a demonstration of approval by clapping the hands together | | 13. | round - a crosspiece between the legs of a chairrung, stavecrosspiece - a transverse bracefolding chair - a chair that can be folded flat for storagefeeding chair, highchair - a chair for feeding a very young child; has four long legs and a footrest and a detachable trayrocking chair, rocker - a chair mounted on rockersside chair, straight chair - a straight-backed chair without arms | | 14. | round - any circular or rotating mechanism; "the machine punched out metal circles"circledisk, disc - a flat circular platerotating mechanism - a mechanism that rotates | Verb | 1. | round - wind around; move along a circular course; "round the bend"go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast" | | 2. | round - make round; "round the edges"round off, round outshape, form - give shape or form to; "shape the dough"; "form the young child's character"purse - contract one's lips into a rounded shape | | 3. | round - pronounce with rounded lipslabialise, labializeenounce, enunciate, pronounce, sound out, articulate, say - speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way; "She pronounces French words in a funny way"; "I cannot say `zip wire'"; "Can the child sound out this complicated word?" | | 4. | round - attack in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"lash out, attack, snipe, assail, assaultcriticise, criticize, pick apart, knock - find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws; "The paper criticized the new movie"; "Don't knock the food--it's free"blackguard, clapperclaw, abuse, shout - use foul or abusive language towards; "The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket"; "The angry mother shouted at the teacher"claw - attack as if with claws; "The politician clawed his rival"vitriol - subject to bitter verbal abuserip - criticize or abuse strongly and violently; "The candidate ripped into his opponent mercilessly"whang - attack forcefully; "whang away at the school reform plan"barrage, bombard - address with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage; "The speaker was barraged by an angry audience"; "The governor was bombarded with requests to grant a pardon to the convicted killer"scald, blister, whip - subject to harsh criticism; "The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday"; "the professor scaled the students"; "your invectives scorched the community"rubbish - attack strongly | | 5. | round - bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state; "polish your social manners"polish up, round off, brush up, polishperfect, hone - make perfect or complete; "perfect your French in Paris!" | | 6. | round - express as a round number; "round off the amount"round down, round off, round outalter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue" | | 7. | round - become round, plump, or shapely; "The young woman is fleshing out"flesh out, fill outgain, put on - increase (one's body weight); "She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising" | Adj. | 1. | round - having a circular shapecircularrounded - curving and somewhat round in shape rather than jagged; "low rounded hills"; "rounded shoulders"square - having four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle; "a square peg in a round hole"; "a square corner" | | 2. | round - (of sounds) full and rich; "orotund tones"; "the rotund and reverberating phrase"; "pear-shaped vowels"orotund, pear-shaped, rotundfull - (of sound) having marked deepness and body; "full tones"; "a full voice" | | 3. | round - (mathematics) expressed to the nearest integer, ten, hundred, or thousand; "in round numbers"math, mathematics, maths - a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangementinexact - not exact | Adv. | 1. | round - from beginning to end; throughout; "It rains all year round on Skye"; "frigid weather the year around"around |
roundpreposition1. around, about, encircling, near They were sitting round the kitchen table.2. throughout, all over, everywhere in, here and there in He has earned respect all round the world.noun1. series, session, cycle, sequence, succession, bout This is the latest round of job cuts.2. stage, turn, level, period, division, session, lap in the third round of the cup3. sphere, ball, band, ring, circle, disc, globe, orb small fresh rounds of goat's cheese4. course, turn, tour, circuit, beat, series, schedule, routine, compass, ambit The consultant did his morning round.5. bullet, shot, shell, discharge, cartridge live rounds of ammunitionadjective1. spherical, rounded, bowed, curved, circular, cylindrical, bulbous, rotund, globular, curvilinear, ball-shaped, ring-shaped, disc-shaped, annular, discoid, orbicular the round church known as The New Temple2. complete, full, whole, entire, solid, unbroken, undivided a round dozen3. plump, full, rounded, ample, fleshy, roly-poly, rotund, full-fleshed She was a small, round person in her early sixties.4. considerable, large, liberal, substantial, generous, ample, bountiful, bounteous She had a nice, round figure.verb1. go round, circle, skirt, flank, bypass, encircle, turn, circumnavigate The boats rounded the Cape.round about approximately, about, around, generally, close to, roughly, loosely, just about, more or less, in the region of, circa (used with dates), in the vicinity of, not far off, in the neighbourhood of round about one and a half millionround on someone attack, abuse, turn on, retaliate against, have a go at (Brit. slang), snap at, wade into, lose your temper with, bite (someone's) head off (informal) He has rounded on his critics.round something off1. complete, close, settle, crown, cap, conclude, finish off, put the finishing touch to, bring to a close A fireworks display rounded off the day.2. smooth off, level off, plane off, sand off Cut just inside the edges, and round off the corners.round something or someone up gather, assemble, bring together, muster, group, drive, collect, rally, herd, marshal The police rounded up a number of suspects.roundadjective1. Having the shape of a curve everywhere equidistant from a fixed point:annular, circular, globoid, globular, spheric, spherical.2. Well-rounded and full in form:chubby, plump, plumpish, pudgy, roly-poly, rotund, tubby, zaftig.3. Having or producing a full, deep, or rich sound:mellow, orotund, plangent, resonant, resounding, ringing, rotund, sonorous, vibrant.4. Not more or less:complete, entire, full, good, perfect, whole.noun1. Something bent:bend, bow, crook, curvature, curve, turn.2. A course, process, or journey that ends where it began or repeats itself:circle, circuit, cycle, orbit, tour, turn.3. A number of things placed or occurring one after the other:chain, consecution, course, order, procession, progression, run, sequence, series, string, succession, suite, train.Informal: streak.4. A course of action to be followed regularly.Often used in plural:routine, track.5. An area regularly covered, as by a policeman or reporter:beat, circuit, route.verb1. To swerve from a straight line:angle, arc, arch, bend, bow, crook, curve, turn.2. To supply what is lacking.Off or out:complement, complete, fill in (or out), supplement.phrasal verb round upTo bring together:assemble, call, cluster, collect, congregate, convene, convoke, gather, get together, group, muster, summon.adverb1. In or toward a former location or condition:about, around, back, backward, backwards, rearward.2. From one end to the other:around, over, through, throughout.Translationsround (raund) adjective1. shaped like a circle or globe. a round hole; a round stone; This plate isn't quite round. 圓形的,球形的 圆形的2. rather fat; plump. a round face. 圓滾滾的 滚圆的 adverb1. in the opposite direction. He turned round. 反向 转过来2. in a circle. They all stood round and listened; A wheel goes round; All (the) year round. 圍繞著,繞圈子 围绕地3. from one person to another. They passed the letter round; The news went round. 逐一地(傳遞) 逐一,传遍 4. from place to place. We drove round for a while. 到處 在各处5. in circumference. The tree measured two metres round. 周長 圆周6. to a particular place, usually a person's home. Are you coming round (to our house) tonight? 到特定地點(常指某人家裡) 到某(指定)地点 preposition1. on all sides of. There was a wall round the garden; He looked round the room. 在...四周 在...四周2. passing all sides of (and returning to the starting-place). They ran round the tree. 繞著... 环绕...3. changing direction at. He came round the corner. 轉彎 拐弯(处) 4. in or to all parts of. The news spread all round the town. 四處 到各处传遍 noun1. a complete circuit. a round of drinks (= one for everyone present); a round of golf. 一巡 一巡2. a regular journey one takes to do one's work. a postman's round. 巡邏 巡视(路线)一趟值勤 3. a burst of cheering, shooting etc. They gave him a round of applause; The soldier fired several rounds. 一陣(歡呼) 一阵(欢呼) 4. a single bullet, shell etc. five hundred rounds of ammunition. (彈藥的)一發 (弹药的)一发 5. a stage in a competition etc. The winners of the first round will go through to the next. 一輪(局,回合) 一轮(局,回合) 6. a type of song sung by several singers singing the same tune starting in succession. 輪唱 轮唱 verb to go round. The car rounded the corner. 轉彎 迂回ˈrounded adjective curved; like part of the line forming a circle. a rounded arch. 圓弧形的 成圆形的弯曲的 ˈroundly adverb plainly; rudely. He rebuked her roundly. 直接地 严厉地,直率地 ˈroundness noun 圓,真圓度 圆,(球)度,园满 rounds noun plural a doctor's visits to his patients. The doctor is (out) on his rounds. 醫師出診 巡回探视出诊ˈall-round adjective complete. It was an all-round success. 全面的 全面的ˌall-ˈrounder noun a person who has a talent for several different kinds of work, sport etc, or who can play in any position in a game. 全能的人 多面手ˈroundabout noun1. a revolving machine on which one can ride for pleasure; a merry-go-round. 旋轉木馬 旋转木马2. a circular piece of ground where several roads meet, and round which traffic must travel. 道路圓環 环形路 adjective not direct. a roundabout route. 迂回的 迂回的round figures/numbers the nearest convenient or easily remembered numbers. Tell me the cost in round figures (ie $20 rather than $19.87). 整數 整数ˌround-ˈshouldered adjective with stooping shoulders. 垂肩的 曲肩,圆背的 round trip1. (American) a journey to a place and back again (round-trip ticket a ticket for such a journey). (美國)往返 往返旅程2. a trip to several places and back, taking a circular route. 環遊 环游all round surrounding. There were people all round him. 四周 四周围round about1. surrounding. She sat with her children round about her. 在...周圍 在...周围2. near. There are not many houses round about. 在...附近 在...附近3. approximately. There must have been round about a thousand people there. 大約 大约round off1. to make something smooth etc. He rounded off the sharp corners with a file. 弄平 弄圆2. to complete successfully. He rounded off his career by becoming president. 圓滿結束 圆满结束round on to turn to face (a person) suddenly, especially angrily. (尤指生氣地)突然轉身面對 突然攻击,责骂反驳 round up to collect together: The farmer rounded up the sheep ( ˈround-up) noun 聚攏 赶拢round → 回合zhCN, 围着zhCN, 圆zhCN, 圆的zhCN- You have to turn round → 您得往回走
- It's around the corner (US)
It's round the corner (UK) → 靠近街角 - A first class round trip to ... (US)
A first class return to ... (UK) → 一张去...的头等舱往返票 - Whose round is it? → 该谁的了?
round, in music, a perpetual canoncanon, in music, a type of counterpoint employing the strictest form of imitation. All the voices of a canon have the same melody, beginning at different times. Successive entrances may be at the same or at different pitches. ..... Click the link for more information. on a tune that returns to its beginning in which all the voices enter at the unison or the octave. An example is Sumer Is Icumen InSumer Is Icumen In [M.E.,=summer has (literally: is) come in], an English rota or round composed c.1250. It is the earliest extant example of canon, of six part music, and of ground bass. Four tenor voices are in canon and two bass voices sing the pes, or ground, also in canon. ..... Click the link for more information. . Rounds were popular in 17th-century England when the catch reached its height. The catch was originally just a simple round, e.g., Three Blind Mice, written in a single line with the effect gained by having another singer come in ("make the catch") at the right time. Later, comic effects, often quite bawdy, were added, using the interweaving of the parts. The Rounds, Catches and Canons of England (1864) by E. F. Rimbault is a comprehensive collection. The term round was also used to designate a dance performed in a circle and, by extension, to the tunes for such dances.round[rau̇nd] (engineering) A series of shots fired either simultaneously or with delay periods between them. (navigation) To pass and alter direction of travel, as a vessel rounds a cape. (ordnance) A single munition, missile, or device to be loaded on or in a delivery platform, vehicle, or device for purposes of expenditure; the configuration of the round may vary. round1. A wood plane for cutting grooves. 2.See round molding. 3. A cylindrical metal rod.
round molding, roundA fairly large molding, the section of which is circular (or nearly circular) and convex.round1. Mathsa. forming or expressed by an integer or whole number, with no fraction b. expressed to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand 2. in the round Theatre with the audience all round the stage 3. a playing of all the holes on a golf course 4. Archery a specified number of arrows shot from a specified distance 5. Music a part song in which the voices follow each other at equal intervals at the same pitch 6. a sequence of bells rung in order of treble to tenor 7. a dance in which the dancers move in a circle roundTo eliminate rightmost digits in a number when absolute precision is not required or used. One of the most common uses of rounding is with dollar amounts, which can result in more than two decimal places after a division. Following are four of many rounding methods:
Round Half Up 3.455 -> 3.46 3.454 -> 3.45 Round Half Down 3.455 -> 3.45 3.456 -> 3.46 Round Up 3.456 -> 3.46 3.453 -> 3.46 Round Down 3.458 -> 3.45 3.453 -> 3.45
 | Rounding and a Lot More |
For more ways to round numbers than you can imagine, as well as to learn how computers perform mathematical functions at the circuit level, read the entertaining and informative book, "How Computers Do Math" by Clive "Max" Maxfield and Alvin Brown. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2005, ISBN 0-471-73278-8). |
round Medspeak verb To visit those patients for whom a physician is responsible. Vox populi adjective Without straight lines meeting at a corner or corners; not square.round verb To visit those Pts for whom a physician is responsible. See Rounds. round (rownd) [O.Fr. ronde] 1. Circular.2. Spherical, globular. LegalSeeMakeROUND
Acronym | Definition |
ROUND➣Role of the United Nations in Disarmament |
See RDround Related to round: round up, Round tripping- all
- prep
- noun
- adj
- verb
- adv
- phrase
Synonyms for roundadj having the shape of a curve everywhere equidistant from a fixed pointSynonyms- annular
- circular
- globoid
- globular
- spheric
- spherical
adj well-rounded and full in formSynonyms- chubby
- plump
- plumpish
- pudgy
- roly-poly
- rotund
- tubby
- zaftig
adj having or producing a full, deep, or rich soundSynonyms- mellow
- orotund
- plangent
- resonant
- resounding
- ringing
- rotund
- sonorous
- vibrant
adj not more or lessSynonyms- complete
- entire
- full
- good
- perfect
- whole
noun something bentSynonyms- bend
- bow
- crook
- curvature
- curve
- turn
noun a course, process, or journey that ends where it began or repeats itselfSynonyms- circle
- circuit
- cycle
- orbit
- tour
- turn
noun a number of things placed or occurring one after the otherSynonyms- chain
- consecution
- course
- order
- procession
- progression
- run
- sequence
- series
- string
- succession
- suite
- train
- streak
noun a course of action to be followed regularlySynonymsnoun an area regularly covered, as by a policeman or reporterSynonymsverb to swerve from a straight lineSynonyms- angle
- arc
- arch
- bend
- bow
- crook
- curve
- turn
verb to supply what is lackingSynonyms- complement
- complete
- fill in
- supplement
phrase round up: to bring togetherSynonyms- assemble
- call
- cluster
- collect
- congregate
- convene
- convoke
- gather
- get together
- group
- muster
- summon
adv in or toward a former location or conditionSynonyms- about
- around
- back
- backward
- backwards
- rearward
adv from one end to the otherSynonyms- around
- over
- through
- throughout
Synonyms for roundnoun a charge of ammunition for a single shotSynonyms- one shot
- unit of ammunition
Related Wordsnoun an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occursSynonymsRelated Words- interval
- time interval
- phase angle
- phase
noun a regular route for a sentry or policemanSynonymsRelated Wordsnoun (often plural) a series of professional calls (usually in a set order)Related Wordsnoun the activity of playing 18 holes of golfSynonymsRelated Wordsnoun the usual activities in your daySynonymsRelated Wordsnoun (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensiveSynonymsRelated Words- athletics
- sport
- division
- section
- part
- top of the inning
- top
- bottom of the inning
- bottom
- period of play
- playing period
- play
noun the course along which communications spreadRelated Wordsnoun a serving to each of a group (usually alcoholic)SynonymsRelated Wordsnoun a cut of beef between the rump and the lower legRelated Wordsnoun a partsong in which voices follow each otherSynonymsRelated Wordsnoun an outburst of applauseRelated Words- applause
- clapping
- hand clapping
noun a crosspiece between the legs of a chairSynonymsRelated Words- crosspiece
- folding chair
- feeding chair
- highchair
- rocking chair
- rocker
- side chair
- straight chair
noun any circular or rotating mechanismSynonymsRelated Words- disk
- disc
- rotating mechanism
verb wind aroundRelated Wordsverb make roundSynonymsRelated Wordsverb pronounce with rounded lipsSynonymsRelated Words- enounce
- enunciate
- pronounce
- sound out
- articulate
- say
verb attack in speech or writingSynonyms- lash out
- attack
- snipe
- assail
- assault
Related Words- criticise
- criticize
- pick apart
- knock
- blackguard
- clapperclaw
- abuse
- shout
- claw
- vitriol
- rip
- whang
- barrage
- bombard
- scald
- blister
- whip
- rubbish
verb bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined stateSynonyms- polish up
- round off
- brush up
- polish
Related Wordsverb express as a round numberSynonyms- round down
- round off
- round out
Related Wordsverb become round, plump, or shapelySynonymsRelated Wordsadj having a circular shapeSynonymsRelated WordsAntonymsadj (of sounds) full and richSynonymsRelated Wordsadj (mathematics) expressed to the nearest integer, ten, hundred, or thousandRelated Words- math
- mathematics
- maths
- inexact
adv from beginning to endSynonyms |