Thunder and Lightning
Thunder and Lightning
- (There was the low boom of) distant thunder echoing like cannon —Barbara Taylor Bradford
- Heard the heat thunder roll … like a hard apple rattling in the bottom of a barrel —James Lee Burke
- Lightning plays over the horizon like the flicker of ideas —T. Coraghessan Boyle
- Lightning and thunder spat and roared like a wounded tiger —Robert Traver
- Lightning falls like silent saber blows —Erich Maria Remarque
- Lightning flickers like a genie inside the bottle-shaped cloud —Walker Percy
- Lightning flutters … like a wing —like a broken bird —Katherine Mansfield
- Lightning … letting down thick drips of thunder like pig iron from the heart of a white-hot furnace —F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Lightning snapped at the world like a whip —John Rechy
- Lightning winked across the eastern sky like fitful fireflies —Fletcher Knebel
- Thunder beating like tribal drums —T. Coraghessan Boyle
- Thunder like great stones falling —Stephen Longstreet
- Thunder rolled like a cannon —Anon
- Thunder rustling like water down the sky’s eaves —A. R. Ammons
- Thunder sounded like a far-off cracking of the earth —Martin Cruz Smith
- Thunder steps down like a giant walking the earth —T. Coraghessan Boyle
- A thunderstorm came rushing down … roaring like a brontosaur —Carlos Baker