

单词 ssd



(in Britain) abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Social Services Department


Most Holy Lord: a title of the pope. [< Latin Sānctissimus Dominus]



(analytical chemistry) steady-state distribution


(Solid State Drive) An SSD is an all-electronic non-volatile storage device that is an alternative to, and is increasingly replacing, hard disks. Employed in myriad products, including mobile devices, iPods, cameras, laptops and desktop computers, SSDs are faster than hard disks because there is zero latency (no read/write head to move). They are also more rugged and reliable and offer greater protection in hostile environments. In addition, SSDs use less power and are not affected by magnets.

In time, there will only be solid state storage, and spinning disk platters will be as obsolete as the punch card (see future memory chips). See disk on module and garbage collection.

Mostly Flash Memory
SSDs are made of flash memory chips 99% of the time. However, for the absolute fastest storage speed obtainable, there are SSDs that use volatile RAM chips backed up by non-volatile storage in case of power failure (see nvSRAM and BBSRAM).

Hybrid Drive (SSD and Disk)
Hybrid drives, such as the Fusion Drive in Macs, combine an SSD with a hard disk (see solid state hybrid drive and Fusion Drive).

Hard Drive Replacement Kits
This Kingston kit includes everything necessary to replace a desktop computer's hard drive with an SSD. Laptop kits include an external case for holding the old drive while it is cloned to the SSD. (Image courtesy of Kingston Technology Corporation, www.kingston.com)

Less Costly Every Year
In 2014, 500GB at USD $349.99 was considerably less expensive than SSDs only a few years prior. However, by 2019, 500GB cost less than a hundred. (Images courtesy of Micro Center, www.microcenter.com)

Less Costly Every Year
In 2014, 500GB at USD $349.99 was considerably less expensive than SSDs only a few years prior. However, by 2019, 500GB cost less than a hundred. (Images courtesy of Micro Center, www.microcenter.com)

RAM-Based Storage
These earlier products used 4GB of RAM as solid state storage and had battery backup. The MegaRAM (top) also included a hard drive. In the case of power failure, the contents of RAM was quickly copied to the drive. The GIGABYTE i-RAM (bottom) plugged into the PC's motherboard. See nvSRAM and BBSRAM. (Image courtesy of Imperial Technology, Inc.)

RAM-Based Storage
These earlier products used 4GB of RAM as solid state storage and had battery backup. The MegaRAM (top) also included a hard drive. In the case of power failure, the contents of RAM was quickly copied to the drive. The GIGABYTE i-RAM (bottom) plugged into the PC's motherboard. See nvSRAM and BBSRAM. (Image courtesy of Imperial Technology, Inc.)

The First SSD
In 1977, this Dataram module tied eight magnetic core circuit boards together to make the first solid state disk. It held a whopping two megabytes. See core storage. (Image courtesy of Dataram Corporation, www.dataram.com)

Early SSD PC Cards
Minuscule in capacity by today's standards, these SanDisk FLASHDISKs added storage to early laptops. Shown here with a CompactFlash card (upper left) for size comparison, they plugged into a PCMCIA slot (see PC Card). (Image courtesy of SanDisk Corporation, www.sandisk.com)



Abbreviation for:
scleroderma spectrum disorders
segmental spinal dysgenesis
sexual size dimorphism
silver sulphadiazine
single-sided deafness
single-strand damage
Social Security Disability
Social Services Department 
speech-sound discrimination
steroid sulphatase deficiency
sterol-sensing domain
succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase
systemic scleroderma


SSDSolid State Drive
SSDSolid State Disk
SSDSeaside (Amtrak station code; Seaside, OR)
SSDSocial Security Disability
SSDShip Self Defense
SSDSigned, Sealed, Delivered
SSDServices for Students with Disabilities
SSDSolid State Storage Device
SSDSpatial Databases
SSDSilver Sulfadiazine
SSDSocial Services Department
SSDSecondary Storage Device (computer storage)
SSDScalextric Sport Digital (slot cars)
SSDSingle Sided Deafness
SSDStructured Self-Development (US Army)
SSDSchool Safety Division (various locations)
SSDSpace Systems Division
SSDSatellite Services Division (NOAA)
SSDSeven Segment Display
SSDSolar System Dynamics (NASA group)
SSDSecurity Systems Division (various organizations)
SSDSocial Sciences Division
SSDSpecialized Search Dog
SSDSpecial Service District (various locations)
SSDSpecial School District
SSDSoul Sacrifice Delta (gaming)
SSDSimpson Manufacturing Company (stock symbol)
SSDShared Secret Data
SSDShaded Surface Display
SSDSmaf Sound Decorator
SSDSensor Stream Database
SSDSingle Server Disaggregation
SSDSystem Shutdown
SSDService Selection Dashboard
SSDSupplementary Service Data
SSDStorage Systems Division
SSDSuper Speed Draft
SSDSecondary Send Data
SSDStart of Stream Delimiter
SSDSingle Sided Disk
SSDSaturated Surface Dry (construction materials)
SSDSite Specific Design (Brooklyn, NY)
SSDSvensk Samhällsvetenskaplig Datatjänst (Sweden)
SSDSales, Service and Distribution (various companies)
SSDSuper Star Destroyer (Star Wars)
SSDStiftung Studenten Discount (German)
SSDSettori Scientifico-Disciplinari (Italian)
SSDSveriges Statistiska Databaser (Swedish: Sweden's Statistical Databases)
SSDSmall Screen Display
SSDSuper Stardust Delta (gaming)
SSDSum of Squared Differences
SSDSterile Services Department (UK)
SSDStopping Sight Distance
SSDSource Selection Decision
SSDSecure System Design
SSDSecurity Support Division
SSDSeattle School District
SSDSocial Service Designee
SSDSusquehanna Service Dogs
SSDStarkville School District (Starkville, MS)
SSDSisters School District (Oregon)
SSDSudden Sniffing Death
SSDSingle Song Download
SSDSpecialized Services Division (Honolulu Police Department SWAT Team)
SSDSystems Software Development
SSDSelf-Service Device
SSDSwedish Social Science Data Service
SSDSectoral Social Dialogue
SSDSupport Service Division (various organizations)
SSDSymposium on Large Spatial Databases
SSDSingle Seed Descent
SSDSilicon Strip Detector
SSDShoreline School District
SSDSociety System Decontrol (band)
SSDSystem Sequence Diagram
SSDspecies-sensitivity distribution (ecologic risk assessment)
SSDSocial Science Database
SSDSecurity and Safety Document (customs)
SSDStaatssicherheitsdienst (East German Secret Service; Popular name: STASI)
SSDState Security Department (various nations)
SSDSingapore School for the Deaf
SSDSystems, Signals and Devices (International Conference)
SSDStatic Separation of Duty
SSDSo So Def (record label)
SSDShelter Static Dehumidifier
SSDSitka School District (Alaska)
SSDSupercomputer Software Department
SSDSpecial Security Division (Maquis Forces International)
SSDSupport Staff Division
SSDSociétés, Santé, Développement (French)
SSDSnorby Security Distribution (software)
SSDSchuldscheindarlehen (German promissory note)
SSDSMPTE Slave Driver (digital sync device)
SSDSource Surface Distance
SSDSolution Specification Document (software)
SSDSpace Settlement Design
SSDSimple Storefront Distribution
SSDSentinel System Driver
SSDSecurity Switching Device
SSDState Science Day (Ohio)
SSDScientific Software Development
SSDSupervising Scientist Division (Australia)
SSDScience for Sustainable Development
SSDStructure Superposition Database
SSDSystem Support Division
SSDSunnyside School District (Washington)
SSDSprechen Sie Deutsch? (German: Do you speak German?)
SSDSearchable Serial Data-Store
SSDSpecial Sea Dutymen
SSDSeaford School District (Delaware)
SSDSuper Speed Draft (printing)
SSDSantee School District (California)
SSDSevere Sustained Drought
SSDSustainable Skills Development
SSDStabilized Ship Detector (US Navy)
SSDScrap Salvage Division (US Navy)
SSDSystem Specification Description
SSDSelf-Sagging Device
SSDStainless Steel Droppings
SSDSecondary Switching Device
SSDShinyaku Seiken Densetsu (game)
SSDStandards Support Document
SSDSurveillance Systems Division
SSDSoulshot D Grade (Lineage 2 game)
SSDSuper Sudden Death (gaming)
SSDStatic Sensitive Device
SSDScheduled Shipping Date
SSDStudent Systems Development
SSDSoftware Services of Delaware, Inc
SSDStudent Support Document
SSDSignal Space Detector
SSDSpace Sciences Directorate (NASA)
SSDSimultaneous Signal Detection
SSDSafety Standards Division
SSDShore Side Detachment
SSDSolid State Decoupler (electrical protection)
SSDSourcing and Supplier Development (various companies)
SSDSerial Service Directory
SSDSafety, Security & Dismantlement
SSDSpace Station Division
SSDStrategic Sourcing Director
SSDSatellite Systems Division
SSDSoftware Support Date
SSDSpacecraft Software Division (US NASA)
SSDStrategic Sales Director
SSDSun-Synchronous Day/Night
SSDSecond Start Dial
SSDSurvival Support Device
SSDSoftware Solutions and Designs, Inc
SSDStructured File Server Definitions
SSDSystematic Sales Dialogue
SSDSquadron Support Division
SSDSHARE Secretary's Distribution
SSDSpecialized Support Depot
SSDSliding SideDoor (well construction)
SSDSingle Source Distribution
SSDSafety Scoping Document
SSDSoftware Structural Description
SSDStrathclyde Standard Desktop
SSDSub-Optimum Sequence Detection
SSDSugar-Sweetened Soft Drink
SSDServer Side Daemon
SSDStrength Screening Device
SSDSpace Systems Directorate
SSDSHINPADS Standard Display
SSDSquires Sanders and Dempsey LLP (law firm)
SSDSheet Steel Decking
SSDSecond-degree Stochastical Dominance
SSDSoftware Systems Database
SSDService de Sûreté des Déchets Radioactifs (French: Department of Safety of Radioactive Waste)




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