arterial nephrosclerosis
ar·te·ri·al neph·ro·scle·ro·sis
arteriolar nephrosclerosis
A destructive form of atherosclerosis involving the renal arteries secondary to severe–malignant (renovascular) hypertension which, if prolonged, leads to renal failure.Histologic patterns
• Hyaline arteriolosclerosis, in which there is homogeneous pink hyaline thickening of the arteriolar walls, is associated with benign nephrosclerosis.
• Fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles accompanied by an inflammatory infiltrate resulting in necrotising alveolitis and hyperplastic arteriolitis, with onionskin-like layering of fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, and collagen.
• Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis, with a concentric thickening with progressive narrowing of the lumina, may be associated with malignant hypertension, nephrosclerosis, and scleroderma.
ar·te·ri·al neph·ro·scler·o·sis
(ahr-tēr'ē-ăl nef'rō-skler-ō'sis)Synonym(s): arterionephrosclerosis.