arterial nephrosclerosis

ar·te·ri·al neph·ro·scle·ro·sis

patchy atrophic scarring of the kidney caused by arteriosclerotic narrowing of the lumens of large branches of the renal artery, occurring in old or hypertensive persons and occasionally causing hypertension. Synonym(s): arterionephrosclerosis, senile nephrosclerosis

arteriolar nephrosclerosis

A destructive form of atherosclerosis involving the renal arteries secondary to severe–malignant (renovascular) hypertension which, if prolonged, leads to renal failure.
Histologic patterns
• Hyaline arteriolosclerosis, in which there is homogeneous pink hyaline thickening of the arteriolar walls, is associated with benign nephrosclerosis.
• Fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles accompanied by an inflammatory infiltrate resulting in necrotising alveolitis and hyperplastic arteriolitis, with onionskin-like layering of fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, and collagen.
• Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis, with a concentric thickening with progressive narrowing of the lumina, may be associated with malignant hypertension, nephrosclerosis, and scleroderma.

ar·te·ri·al neph·ro·scler·o·sis

(ahr-tēr'ē-ăl nef'rō-skler-ō'sis) Patchy atrophic scarring of the kidney due to arteriosclerotic narrowing of the lumens of large branches of the renal artery, occurring in old or hypertensive people and occasionally causing hypertension.
Synonym(s): arterionephrosclerosis.