Vorobev, Klementii
Vorob’ev, Klementii Iakovlevich
Born 1866; died 1930. Russian zemstvo (district assembly) statistician.
From 1889 to 1917, Vorob’ev worked in the statistical bureau of the Tver, laroslavl’, Vologda, and Simbirsk zemstvos. After the October Revolution, he headed the statistical bureaus in Omsk and Ul’anovsk, and after 1925 he worked in the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR. One of the first in the field of zemstvo statistics, he produced in a short time a complete census of households with the help of a network of volunteer correspondents that he organized. In the last years of his life, he worked on problems of agricultural districting.
Otkhozhie promysly krest’ianskogo naseleniia Iaroslavskoi gub, Iaroslavl’, 1903.Kustarnye promysly. Iaroslavl’, 1904. (Stat. sbornik po Iaroslavskoi gub., issue 14.)
Statistiko-ekonomicheskoe issledovanie gruntovykh dorog Tverskoi gub. Tver’, 1911.
Kustarno-remeslennye promysly Simbirskoi gubernii. Simbirsk, 1916.
“K metodologii sel’skokhoziaistvennogo raionirovaniia.” Vestnik statistiki, 1924, nos. 7-9.