

单词 path



P0110300 (păth, päth)n. pl. paths (păthz, päthz, păths, päths) 1. A trodden track or way.2. A road, way, or track made for a particular purpose: a bicycle path.3. The route or course along which something travels or moves: the path of a hurricane.4. A course of action or conduct: the path of righteousness.5. Computers a. A sequence of commands or a link between points that is needed to reach a particular goal.b. A pathname.
[Middle English, from Old English pæth; see pent- in Indo-European roots.]


(pɑːθ) n, pl paths (pɑːðz) 1. a road or way, esp a narrow trodden track2. a surfaced walk, as through a garden3. the course or direction in which something moves: the path of a whirlwind. 4. a course of conduct: the path of virtue. 5. (Computer Science) computing the directions for reaching a particular file or directory, as traced hierarchically through each of the parent directories usually from the root; the file or directory and all parent directories are separated from one another in the path by slashes[Old English pæth; related to Old High German, German Pfad] ˈpathless adj ˈpathlessness n


(pæθ, pɑθ)

n., pl. paths (patz, pätz, paths, päths). 1. a way beaten or trodden by the feet of persons or animals. 2. a narrow walk or way: a bicycle path. 3. a route or course along which something moves: the path of a hurricane. 4. a course of action, conduct, or procedure: the path of righteousness. 5. (in some computer operating systems) a. a listing of the route through directories and subdirectories that locates and thereby names a specific file or program on a disk drive. b. the currently active list of all such routes that tells the operating system where to find programs, enabling a user to run them from other directories. [before 900; Middle English; Old English pæth; c. Old Frisian path, pad, Old High German phad (German Pfad)]


a combining form occurring in personal nouns corresponding to abstract nouns ending in -pathy, with the general sense “one practicing such a treatment” (osteopath) or “one suffering from such an ailment” (psychopath).


1. pathological. 2. pathology.


– path1. 'lane'

A lane is a narrow road which can be used by vehicles, especially in the country.

A lane is also a part of a main road which is marked by the edge of the road and painted line, or by two painted lines.

The lorry was travelling at 20mph in the slow lane.
2. 'path'

You do not use lane to refer to a strip of ground which people walk along and which vehicles cannot use. The word you use is path or footpath.

Can a landowner keep a bull in a field crossed by a public footpath?
Noun1.path - a course of conductpath - a course of conduct; "the path of virtue"; "we went our separate ways"; "our paths in life led us apart"; "genius usually follows a revolutionary path"way of life, waycourse of action, course - a mode of action; "if you persist in that course you will surely fail"; "once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place"ambages - (archaic) roundabout or mysterious ways of actionprimrose path - a life of ease and pleasurestraight and narrow, strait and narrow - the way of proper and honest behavior; "he taught his children to keep strictly to the straight and narrow"Sunna, Sunnah, hadith - (Islam) the way of life prescribed as normative for Muslims on the basis of the teachings and practices of Muhammad and interpretations of the Koranwarpath - a course leading to warfare or battle
2.path - a way especially designed for a particular usebridle path, bridle road - a path suitable for riding or leading horses (but not for cars)crosswalk, crossover, crossing - a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the otherlane - a well-defined track or path; for e.g. swimmers or lines of trafficfootpath, pathway - a trodden pathtowing path, towpath - a path along a canal or river used by animals towing boatspaseo, walkway, walk - a path set aside for walking; "after the blizzard he shoveled the front walk"way - any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another; "he said he was looking for the way out"
3.path - an established line of travel or accesspath - an established line of travel or accessitinerary, routefeeder line - a branching path off of a main transportation line (especially an airline)main line - the principal route of a transportation systemdata track, track - (computer science) one of the circular magnetic paths on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide for writing and reading dataair lane, skyway, airway, flight path - a designated route followed by airplanes in flying from one airport to anotherapproach pattern, traffic pattern, pattern - the path that is prescribed for an airplane that is preparing to land at an airport; "the traffic patterns around O'Hare are very crowded"; "they stayed in the pattern until the fog lifted"flight path - the path of a rocket or projectile or aircraft through the airbeat, round - a regular route for a sentry or policeman; "in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name"bus route - the route regularly followed by a passenger busline - a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extentline of flight - the path along which a freely moving object travels through the airline of march - the route along which a column advancescelestial orbit, orbit - the (usually elliptical) path described by one celestial body in its revolution about another; "he plotted the orbit of the moon"electron orbit, orbit - the path of an electron around the nucleus of an atompaper round, paper route - the route taken when delivering newspapers every daybeeline - the most direct route; "he made a beeline for the bathroom"circuit - an established itinerary of venues or events that a particular group of people travel to; "she's a familiar name on the club circuit"; "on the lecture circuit"; "the judge makes a circuit of the courts in his district"; "the international tennis circuit"crosscut - a diagonal pathsupply line, supply route - a route over which supplies can be deliveredline of fire - the path of a missile discharged from a firearmflyway, migration route - the geographic route along which birds customarily migratefairway - the usual course taken by vessels through a harbor or coastal watersdirection, way - a line leading to a place or point; "he looked the other direction"; "didn't know the way home"trade route - a route followed by traders (usually in caravans)
4.path - a line or route along which something travels or movespath - a line or route along which something travels or moves; "the hurricane demolished houses in its path"; "the track of an animal"; "the course of the river"track, courseline - a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extentcollision course - a course of a moving object that will lead to a collision if it continues unchangedinside track - the inner side of a curved racecourseround - the course along which communications spread; "the story is going the rounds in Washington"steps - the course along which a person has walked or is walking in; "I followed in his steps"; "he retraced his steps"; "his steps turned toward home"swath, belt - a path or strip (as cut by one course of mowing)trail - a track or mark left by something that has passed; "there as a trail of blood"; "a tear left its trail on her cheek"


noun1. way, road, walk, track, trail, avenue, pathway, footpath, walkway (chiefly U.S.), towpath, footway We followed the path along the clifftops.2. route, way, course, direction, passage A group of reporters blocked his path. The tornado wrecked everything in its path.3. course, way, road, track, route, procedure The country is on the path to economic recovery.cross someone's path meet, encounter, run into, run across He chats up every presentable female who crosses his path.


nounA course affording passage from one place to another:avenue, boulevard, drive, expressway, freeway, highway, road, roadway, route, street, superhighway, thoroughfare, thruway, turnpike, way.


(paːθ) plural paths (paːðz) noun1. a way made across the ground by the passing of people or animals. There is a path through the fields; a mountain path. 小徑 小径2. (any place on) the line along which someone or something is moving. She stood right in the path of the bus. 道路 道路ˈpathway noun a path. 路,徑 路,径


  • Where's the bicycle path to ...? (US)
    Where is the cycle path to ...? (UK) → 去...的自行车道在哪儿?
  • Keep to the path → 不要下道
  • Where does this path lead? → 这条道通往哪儿?


  • be off the beaten path
  • beat a path to (one's) door
  • beat a path to door
  • beat a path to somebody's door
  • beat a path to someone's door
  • break new paths
  • choose the path of least resistance
  • cross (one's) path
  • cross paths
  • cross paths with (one)
  • cross somebody's path
  • cross someone's path
  • cut a path
  • garden path, to lead up/down the
  • lead (one) down the garden path
  • lead (one) up the garden path
  • lead down garden path
  • lead down the garden path
  • lead somebody up the garden path
  • lead someone up the garden path
  • least resistance, line of
  • off the beaten path
  • off the beaten track
  • on the warpath
  • path of least resistance
  • path-breaking
  • paths cross
  • primrose path
  • primrose path, the
  • smooth the path for (someone or something)
  • smooth the path/way
  • smooth the way
  • take the line of least resistance
  • the path of least resistance
  • the primrose path
  • tread a difficult, solitary, etc. path
  • tread a/the (type of) path



Computing the directions for reaching a particular file or directory, as traced hierarchically through each of the parent directories usually from the root; the file or directoryand all parent directories are separated from one another in the path by slashes

What does it mean when you dream about a path?

A quiet, spiritual walk down an unobstructed, open path signifies clarity of thought and peace of mind. A blocked and twisted path, however, means one needs to give serious attention to the direction one is taking in one’s business or personal life. The dream may imply the need for a time-out to consider the outcome and the consequences of the issues at hand.


[path] (computer science) The logical sequence of instructions followed by a computer in carrying out a routine. A series of physical or logical connections between records or segments in a database management system, generally involving the use of pointers. (mathematics) In a topological space, a path is a continuous curve joining two points. In graph theory, a walk whose vertices are all distinct. Also known as simple path. walk (navigation) A line connecting a series of points and constituting a proposed or traveled route.


A footway; a footpath.


(networking)A bang path or explicitly routed Internet address; a node-by-node specification of a link between twomachines.


(file system)pathname.


(operating system)The list of directories the kernel(under Unix) or the command interpreter (under MS-DOS)searches for executables. It is stored as part of theenvironment in both operating systems.

Other, similar constructs abound under Unix; the Cpreprocessor, for example, uses such a search path to locate"#include" files.


(1) In communications, the route between any two nodes. Same as "line," "channel," "link" or "circuit."

(2) (Path) A photo sharing service intended as a companion to social networks. Introduced in 2010, Path was acquired by Kakao, a South Korea-based Internet company in 2015 but was discontinued in 2018.

(3) In database management, the route from one table to another, such as from customers to orders.

(4) A selected area in an image. See clipping path.

(5) A list of folders that should be searched to locate executable files run from the command line. See Path environment variable.

(6) The route to a file on a storage device (hard disk or SSD). The path shows the hierarchy of folders and subfolders (directories and subdirectories) starting at an origin point called the "root." The following examples show how the path is expressed on a command line to the MYLIFE.TXT file in the STORIES subfolder located within the JOE folder.

In DOS/Windows
The JOE folder is in the C: drive:

In Unix/Linux/Mac
The drive would already have been selected:

In Macs Prior to OS X
The JOE folder is in the HDD200 drive:

The Following Examples

For simplicity, the following examples come from the early Windows version of this encyclopedia when the software was installed as a top-level folder off the root of the C: drive. Subsequent versions were installed in the Program Files folder.

This dialog box shows where CDETEXT.TXT is created. The file can accumulate definitions for copying or printing.

Using Paths

In the Windows version of this encyclopedia, the following dialog box displayed the path to the CDETEXT.TXT file for saving terms. For more details on the Windows folder hierarchy, see Win Folder organization.

This dialog box shows where CDETEXT.TXT is created. The file can accumulate definitions for copying or printing.

File/Folder Hierarchy
These Explorer views of the Encyclopedia folder (CDE) show how the PICTURES subfolder branches off the CDE folder. Just as pictures are kept separate, the lesson lists are also stored in their own subfolder. Note that the ADDRESS bar refers to the path.

File/Folder Hierarchy
These Explorer views of the Encyclopedia folder (CDE) show how the PICTURES subfolder branches off the CDE folder. Just as pictures are kept separate, the lesson lists are also stored in their own subfolder. Note that the ADDRESS bar refers to the path.



(path), A road or way; the course taken by an electrical current or by nervous impulses.
See also: pathway.
[A.S. paeth]


(path) The route or course along which something travels. [A.S. paeth]


(path) 1. A road or way. 2. Course taken by an electrical current or by nervous impulses. [A.S. paeth]


PATHPort Authority Trans-Hudson
PATHPartnership for Advancing Technology in Housing
PATHProgram for Appropriate Technology in Health (formerly Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology)
PATHProjects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (various organizations)
PATHPositive Action in Housing (UK)
PATHPhysicians At Teaching Hospitals
PATHPlanning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope
PATHProviding Access To Help (crisis line)
PATHPeople Attempting to Help
PATHParents As Tender Healers
PATHPaul Ambrose Trail for Health
PATHPlace for Achieving Total Health (network of affiliated medical professionals)
PATHPartners for Advanced Transit & Highways
PATHPollutants in the Atmosphere and their Transport over Hong Kong
PATHPerinatal Addiction Treatment of Hawaii
PATHPremise Access Transport Hub (Telular)
PATHPartnership Against Trafficking in Human Beings (Kosovo)
PATHProfessional Association of Traditional Healers
PATHPeoples Action for Threatened Habitat
PATHProgram for Advanced Transit and Highway
PATHPortable Automatic Target Hand-off
PATHPersonal Awareness Through Health


  • all
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for path

noun way


  • way
  • road
  • walk
  • track
  • trail
  • avenue
  • pathway
  • footpath
  • walkway
  • towpath
  • footway

noun route


  • route
  • way
  • course
  • direction
  • passage

noun course


  • course
  • way
  • road
  • track
  • route
  • procedure

phrase cross someone's path


  • meet
  • encounter
  • run into
  • run across

Synonyms for path

noun a course affording passage from one place to another


  • avenue
  • boulevard
  • drive
  • expressway
  • freeway
  • highway
  • road
  • roadway
  • route
  • street
  • superhighway
  • thoroughfare
  • thruway
  • turnpike
  • way

Synonyms for path

noun a course of conduct


  • way of life
  • way

Related Words

  • course of action
  • course
  • ambages
  • primrose path
  • straight and narrow
  • strait and narrow
  • Sunna
  • Sunnah
  • hadith
  • warpath

noun a way especially designed for a particular use

Related Words

  • bridle path
  • bridle road
  • crosswalk
  • crossover
  • crossing
  • lane
  • footpath
  • pathway
  • towing path
  • towpath
  • paseo
  • walkway
  • walk
  • way

noun an established line of travel or access


  • itinerary
  • route

Related Words

  • feeder line
  • main line
  • data track
  • track
  • air lane
  • skyway
  • airway
  • flight path
  • approach pattern
  • traffic pattern
  • pattern
  • beat
  • round
  • bus route
  • line
  • line of flight
  • line of march
  • celestial orbit
  • orbit
  • electron orbit
  • paper round
  • paper route
  • beeline
  • circuit
  • crosscut
  • supply line
  • supply route
  • line of fire
  • flyway
  • migration route
  • fairway
  • direction
  • way
  • trade route

noun a line or route along which something travels or moves


  • track
  • course

Related Words

  • line
  • collision course
  • inside track
  • round
  • steps
  • swath
  • belt
  • trail




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