Raven Rock State Park

Raven Rock State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / North Carolina
Location:9 miles west of Lillington and 20 miles east of Sanford on US 421.
Facilities:5 primitive campsites, 5 primitive group camps, 6 canoe campsites, picnic area, trails, concession stand.
Activities:Camping, canoeing, river fishing, hiking, horseback riding, nature programs.
Special Features:Raven Rock is a mile-long, 150-foot-high rock outcrop, which juts out at a 45-degree angle over the Cape Fear River. A portion of the 56-mile Cape Fear Canoe Trail runs through the park.
Address:3009 Raven Rock Rd
Lillington, NC 27546

Web: ils.unc.edu/parkproject/visit/raro/home.html
Size: 4,677 acres.

See other parks in North Carolina.