Acronym | Definition |
SMB➣Server Message Block (protocol) |
SMB➣Small and Medium Business |
SMB➣Seven Mile Beach (Cayman Islands) |
SMB➣Super Mario Brothers (game) |
SMB➣Staatliche Museen Zu Berlin (national museums in Berlin) |
SMB➣San Miguel Beer |
SMB➣Små og Mellomstore Bedrifter |
SMB➣Super Monkey Ball (video game) |
SMB➣Session Message Block (Samba) |
SMB➣Social Media Breakfast (networking) |
SMB➣Super Meat Boy (video game) |
SMB➣Subminiature Type B |
SMB➣System Message Block |
SMB➣Server Message Buffer |
SMB➣Server Message Block |
SMB➣Session Message Block |
SMB➣Samba |
SMB➣Speed Matching Buffer |
SMB➣Smart Bits |
SMB➣Server Management Board |
SMB➣Surface Marker Buoy |
SMB➣Spirit, Mind and Body (various organizations) |
SMB➣System Management Bus |
SMB➣Steve Miller Band |
SMB➣Simulated Moving Bed |
SMB➣Safety Monitoring Board (US NIH) |
SMB➣Society for Mathematical Biology |
SMB➣Sage Master Builder (Sage Software) |
SMB➣Salaire Mensuel de Base (French: Monthly Base Salary) |
SMB➣Shared Mailbox |
SMB➣Spartan Marching Band (Michigan State University) |
SMB➣Surface Mass Balance |
SMB➣Southwest Missouri Bank |
SMB➣Soil Microbial Biomass |
SMB➣Shared Memory Buffer (VME boards) |
SMB➣Shanghai Meteorological Bureau (Shanghai, China) |
SMB➣Single-Mask Bumping |
SMB➣Screaming Mechanical Brain (band) |
SMB➣Sad Mackem Bastard |
SMB➣Shin-Marunouchi Building (Japan) |
SMB➣San Miguel, Bulacan (Philippines) |
SMB➣State Marketing Board |
SMB➣Secret Men's Business |
SMB➣South Mountain Batholith |
SMB➣School Management Board |
SMB➣Secretary's Morning Brief (US FEMA) |
SMB➣Supersonic Molecular Beam |
SMB➣System-Managed Buffering (Virtual Storage Access Method) |
SMB➣Société Médicale Balint (French: Balint Medical Society; est. 1966) |
SMB➣Société Multinationale de Bitumes (French: Bitumen Multinational Corporation; Côte d'Ivoire) |
SMB➣Sunderland Message Board |
SMB➣Société Médicale de Biothérapie (French: Medical Society of Biotherapy) |
SMB➣Sarap Mag-Beer (Tagalog: San Miguel Beer) |
SMB➣Shannon-McMillan-Breiman Theorem |
SMB➣Sarap Maging Barkada (Tagalog: It's fun to have friends) |
SMB➣Self Mating Beam (aluminum construction) |
SMB➣Standoff Minefield Breacher |
SMB➣Systems Management Board |
SMB➣Saint-Médard Basket (French: Saint Médard Basketball; est. 1999) |
SMB➣Sub-Miniature B Connector |
SMB➣Surface Mounted Board |
SMB➣Sinhalaye Mahasammata Bhumiputra Party (Sri Lanka) |
SMB➣Separate Mechanized Brigade |
SMB➣San Miguel Brewery Corp. |
SMB➣Space Medicine Branch (Aerospace Medical Association) |
SMB➣Société Méridionale du Bâtiment (French: Southern Building Company) |
SMB➣Société Monégasque de Bureautique (French: Monaco Office Company) |
SMB➣Société Métallurgique de Bretagne (French: Metallurgical Company of Britain; est. 1926) |
SMB➣Services et Métiers du Bois (French: Wood and Trades Services) |
SMB➣Special Men's Business (Australia) |
SMB➣Service Maintenance en Betonnière (French: Cement Mixer Maintenance Service) |