senile keratosis


 [ker″ah-to´sis] any horny growth, such as a wart or callosity.actinic keratosis a sharply outlined wartlike or keratotic growth, which may develop into a cutaneous horn, and may become malignant; it usually occurs in the middle aged or elderly and is due to excessive exposure to the sun. Called also senile or solar keratosis. (See Atlas 3, Part F).keratosis follicula´ris a slowly progressive autosomal dominant disorder of keratinization characterized by pinkish to tan or skin-colored papules on the seborrheic areas of the body that coalesce to form plaques, which may become crusted and secondarily infected; over time, the lesions may become darker and may fuse to form papillomatous and warty malodorous growths. Called also Darier's disease and Darier-White disease.keratosis palma´ris et planta´ris palmoplantar keratoderma.keratosis pharyn´gea horny projections from the tonsils and pharyngeal walls. Called also pharyngokeratosis.keratosis pila´ris hyperkeratosis limited to the hair follicles.keratosis puncta´ta a hereditary hyperkeratosis in which the lesions are localized in multiple points on the palms and soles.seborrheic keratosis (keratosis seborrhe´ica) a benign, noninvasive tumor of epidermal origin, marked by numerous yellow or brown, sharply marginated, oval, raised lesions.senile keratosis (solar keratosis) actinic keratosis.

ac·tin·ic ker·a·to·sis

a premalignant warty lesion occurring on the sun-exposed skin of the face or hands in aged light-skinned persons; hyperkeratosis may form a cutaneous horn, and squamous cell carcinoma of low-grade malignancy may develop in a small proportion of untreated patients. Synonym(s): senile keratoderma, senile keratoma, senile keratosis, keratosis senilis, senile wart, solar keratosis, verruca plana senilis, verruca senilis

senile keratosis

(1) Actinic keratosis, see there.
(2) Seborrheic keratosis, see there.

se·nile ker·a·to·sis

(sen'il ker'ă-tō'sis) Benign flat, raised, or pedunculated lesions, colored yellow to dark brown; more usual on the trunk and increase in incidence after 40 years of age; may be known as basal cell papillomas because of their cells of origin but are not neoplastic and are not related to basal cell carcinomas.
Synonym(s): seborrheic keratosis (2) , keratosis senilis.
[L. senilis, old age, + G. keras, horn, + -osis, condition]

se·nile ker·a·to·sis

(sen'il ker'ă-tō'sis) Benign flat, raised, or pedunculated lesions, colored yellow to dark brown; more usual on the trunk and increase in incidence after 40 years of age; may be known as basal cell papillomas because of their cells of origin but are not neoplastic.
Synonym(s): seborrheic keratosis (2) .
[L. senilis, old age, + G. keras, horn, + -osis, condition]