Rayleigh equation

Ray·leigh e·qua·tion

(rā'lē), a ratio of red to green required by each observer to match spectral yellow. Synonym(s): Rayleigh test


Lord John W.S., English physicist and Nobel laureate, 1842-1919. rayl - unit of acoustic impedance.Rayleigh equation - a ratio of red to green required by each observer to match spectral yellow. Synonym(s): Rayleigh testRayleigh test - Synonym(s): Rayleigh equation

Rayleigh equation 

A colour equation representing a match of yellow (usually 589 nm) with a mixture of red (usually 670 nm) and green (usually 535 nm). It is used to differ-entiate certain types of colour deficiencies. The anomaloscope is built on this principle. See defective colour vision.